When a group of people work together to reach a common goal, they are using this skill.
What is teamwork.
This term describes the qualities, beliefs, and personality that make a person unique.
This is the name for a single row of words in a poem.
What is a line.
The person giving the speech is called this.
What is the speaker.
This is the act of being friendly, generous, and considerate to others.
What is kindness.
If someone is outgoing, confident, and enjoys socializing, they are often described as this.
A group of lines in a poem, similar to a paragraph in prose, is called this.
What is a stanza.
A strong speech introduction often includes one of these to grab the audience’s attention, such as a question, quote, or story.
True friends show this when they help each other, share, and care about each other’s feelings.
What is empathy.
The traditions, language, and customs passed down in your family contribute to this aspect of identity.
What is cultural identity.
Giving human qualities to non-human things is called this.
What is personification.
A well-organized speech typically has these three main parts.
What is the introduction, body, and conclusion.
In the Friendship Soup activity, everyone contributed their special ingredient to make the soup. This showed the power of working together toward a common goal. What is this called?
What is collaboration and unity.
Believing that you can improve your abilities through hard work and perseverance is called this.
What is a growth mindset.
This 17-syllable, three-line Japanese poem often focuses on nature.
What is haiku.
Using hand movements, facial expressions, and body language during a speech is known as this.
What is gesture.
When you show kindness to one person, they might do the same for someone else. This is known as the ________ effect.
What is the ripple effect.
People who inspire you and influence your character and values are called these.
What are role models.
A poem that does not have a regular rhyme scheme or rhythm is called this.
What is free verse.
When a speaker adjusts their speech based on the reactions of the audience, they are practicing this skill.
What is audience awareness.