Comprehension- Fables and Fairytales
Sound Devices
Nonfiction Text Features

Select the sentence with the correct pronoun usage:

A) Each of the students have their own locker.
B) Each of the students has their own locker.
C) Each of the students has his or her own locker.
D) Each of the students have his or her own locker.

C) Each of the students has his or her own locker.

  1. In many fables, animals are often given human characteristics to teach moral lessons. Which of the following is a common moral lesson in fables?

           A) Always tell the truth  
           B) Never trust others
           C) Ignore warnings
           D) Act without thinking

A) Always tell the truth  


A “surplus” of food means_.

  1. Not enough food

  2. Not food at all

  3. More food then what is needed 

  4. A very specific amount of food

More food then what is needed


1. What sound device repeats the same vowel sound?

(Assonance) ✓


What is the purpose of a glossary in a nonfiction text?

A glossary provides definitions of important or specialized words used in the text, usually listed in alphabetical order at the end of the book.


Fix the sentence with the correct placement of adjectives and adverbs:

The musician extremely talented played a composed beautifully song.

The extremely talented musician played a beautifully composed song.


2. In the fairy tale "Cinderella," what is the primary reason Cinderella's life changes?

  • A) She finds a hidden treasure

  • B) She gets a magical gift from her fairy godmother  

  • C) She escapes from a dragon

  • D) She is chosen as the village leader

B) She gets a magical gift from her fairy godmother  


What is the synonym of the word ‘lethal'? Example: The venom of this black snake is lethal.

  1. Deadly 

  2. Harmless

  3. Pretty

  4. Gentle



2. What sound device repeats the same consonant sound?

(Consonance) ✓


How does a caption help a reader understand an image in a nonfiction text?

A caption explains the content of an image, diagram, or photograph, helping the reader understand how the image relates to the main text and providing additional details that may not be included in the body of the text.


 Which sentence uses the correct verb tense?

A) By the time we arrived, the movie had already started.

B) By the time we arrived, the movie has already started.

C) By the time we arrive, the movie had already started.

D) By the time we arrived, the movie already start.

B) By the time we arrived, the movie has already started.


3. What role does the fox play in the fable "The Fox and the Grapes"?

  • A) The fox teaches the crow a lesson

  • B) The fox becomes jealous of the grapes and convinces himself that they were not worth having 

  • C) The fox helps the grapes grow

  • D) The fox gives the grapes to the crow

B) The fox becomes jealous of the grapes and convinces himself that they were not worth having ✓


.What does “coincidental” mean? 3

  1. Happening by chance, not on purpose 

  2. Very dangerous or risky

  3. String and powerful

  4. Carefully planned and expected 

Happening by chance, not on purpose


3. What do we call soft, smooth, and pleasant sounds?

(Euphony) ✓


Why might an author use both a table of contents and an index in the same book?

A table of contents gives an overview of the book’s structure by listing chapter titles and page numbers in order, while an index allows readers to find specific topics quickly by listing key words alphabetically with corresponding page numbers. Using both features makes the text easier to navigate for different reading purposes.


2. Identify the type of sentence: "Wow! That sunset is beautiful!"

A) Declarative

B) Interrogative

C) Exclamatory

D) Imperative

C) Exclamatory


4. In the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood," what lesson is often learned by the end of the story?

  • A) It’s important to be cautious and listen to advice

  • B) It’s better to walk through the forest at night

  • C) Animals can be trusted at all times

D) Never go to school

  • A) It’s important to be cautious and listen to advice


What does the word “Elusive” mean? Example: This elusive math question tangled up the brain cells in my brain.

  1. Easy to find or catch

  2. Hard to find or understand

  3. Funny and entertaining

  4. Boring and unimportant

  1. Hard to find or understand


4. Which sentence has assonance?
a) The cat sat on the mat.
b) The dog ran fast.

a) The cat sat on the mat.


Read the following excerpt: “The diagram on page 23 shows the different layers of the Earth.” What nonfiction text feature is referenced, and why is it useful?

The referenced text feature is a diagram, which is useful because it visually represents complex information, making it easier to understand concepts like the structure of the Earth’s layers.


Choose the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement:

A) The team of players are practicing hard.

B) The team of players is practicing hard.

C) The team of players were practicing hard.

D) The team of players be practicing hard.

B) The team of players is practicing hard.


   5     What is the primary conflict in the fable "The Tortoise and the Hare"?

  • A) The hare’s speed versus the tortoise’s determination 

  • B) The tortoise’s fear of the hare

  • C) The hare’s jealousy of the tortoise

  • D) The tortoise's decision to leave the race

A) The hare’s speed versus the tortoise’s determination ✓


If someone is “gregarious”, they are _.

  1. Shy and Quiet

  2. Friendly and enjoy being around people

  3. Serious and unfocused

   4. Angry and rude

  1. Friendly and enjoy being around people


7. Which sentence has consonance?
a) Mike likes his bike.
b) The sun is bright.

a) Mike likes his bike.


If a nonfiction text did not include headings or subheadings, how would it affect a reader’s comprehension?

Without headings or subheadings, the reader might struggle to locate key ideas and understand how information is organized. It would be harder to skim the text for main points, and the reading process might become more confusing and less efficient.
