Black Mental Health
Racism as a Public Health Concern
Preventative Care/Health Disparities/Patient Advocacy

Solutions to helping others around you suffering from mental health issues

What is "doing genuine check-ins"

"Be a listening ear and someone to congregate with"


Definition of maternal morbidity

What is "the death of a woman within a year of giving birth"

Definition of food deserts

What is "geographic areas that lack access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food rural and inner-city"


How often should we get a physical?

What is yearly?


Solutions to overcoming social justice fatigue

What is "taking things in moderation"

"Make time for self care"

"Form boundaries"

"Be strategic in your social media usage"


Definition of Structural Racism

What is "the normalization of systems that produce chronic adverse outcomes for people of color"


Explain the costs of having more food (What do we lose in the process of producing more food)

What is "industrialization of food industry comes at a cost of the quality of the food"

"There is an increase in chemicals added to food to promote efficiency"


Common health disparities within the black community

What is "health coverage" "chronic health conditions" "mental health"


Barriers to mental health

What is "lack of congregation as a coping mechanism"

"cultural incompetency and a history of bad care"

"mental health stigmatization in the black community"


Types of Rapid Urbanization

What is "gentrification"

"Uneven development"

"Urban sprawl"

Probable solutions to nutritional situations within the black community (food deserts, increase cost of food, obesity)

What is "crop rotation to control soil erosion"

"organic farming" "family farms" 

"community-supported agriculture"

"farmers markets" "school gardens" "slow food" 


Ways patient advocate for themselves

What is "coming to physicians with questions"

"speaking up when something is wrong"

"don't be afraid to ask any question you may have"


Common stigmas of mental health 

What is "Black people don't go to therapy"?

"If you are dealing with a mental health issue you aren't connected with your faith enough."

"Black men don't cry"

"Black women are always strong"

Examples of how structural racism affects every aspect of life

What is "employment impacts income and access to housing"

"School choices affects career options"

"Housing discrimination creates segregated residencies and forms unequal opportunities"

Explain the nurtrition paradox

What is "coexistence of stunting and overweight/obesity in the same region, household, or person."


Leading cause of death in the African American Community

What is "heart disease, cancer, stroke"

Definition of Tokenism

What is "doing something (ex. hiring a person who belongs in a minority group) only to prevent criticism and give the appearance that people are being treated fairly"

"In spaces that lack diversity, black people feel as though you must carry the weight of representing their entire community. 


The likelihood of black women being affected by maternal morbidity.

(1x, 2x, 3x, etc..)

What is "2-3x more likely"

Describe the situation with equity in food production (working in food production)

What is "labor in the agriculture and sales section of the food industry is contingent work"

"Working conditions in agriculture are subpar, give little benefits and promote low wages"


Definition of cultural humility

What is "having traits of respect, empathy, and critical self-reflection of both interpersonal and intrapersonal levels"
