How many days are in a year?
What does a sentence begin and end with?
A capital letter and punctuation mark.
Complete the pattern 3, 6, 9, ___,____,18,21
12 and 15
Fix the 2 mistakes:
i like to eat apples and bananas
I .
Which is longer a foot or a yard?
A Yard
what is a noun (3)?
A person, place or thing
What holiday do Irish people celebrate on March 17th?
St. Patrick's Day
Find 3 mistakes
it is raining but we forgetting our umbrela.
It forgot umbrella
Would it be AM or PM when you eat dinner?
Write a word the rhymes with STAY.
play, sleigh, day, may
How many days are in a week?
Find the mistakes.
My family goed to my sister's house for christmas.
went, Christmas
458 + 125
Every story has a plot. What is a plot?
beginning, middle and end
How many sides does a hexagon have?
Find the 2 mistakes:
There going to the park after scholl.
They're, school
If I had a quarter, a dime, and three pennies, how much money would I have?
38 cents
What is the name for where the story takes place?
122, _____, 126, 128, 130
Find the 3 mistakes:
My brother david gived me the most best birthday gift ever!
David, gave, (take away most)