3rd Grade Language Arts
4th Grade Language Arts
5th Grade Language Arts
6th Grade Language Arts
Social Studies
This word rhymes with the wonder in the word wonderful. A. under B. over C. brother D. other
What is A. Under
The complete sentence is: A. On the sand near the water’s edge. B. Julie and Stella plan to go swimming. C. When Tom and Brady built a sandcastle. D. Sandy who likes to walk along the beach.
What is B. Julie and Stella plan to go swimming.
If a person is NOT interested in something, you would say they are...
What is disinterested
The synonym that best completes this sentence: The proud cowboy _________ happily down the streets of Dustville. A. ambles C. strides B. staggers D. shuffles
What is C strides?

Who was the leader of Germany during WWII?


This word pair does not belong. A. slide/sliding B. bark/barking C. swim/swimmer D. tell/telling
What is C. swim/swimmer
The sentence most clearly written: A. I wrapped the scarf around my neck. B. I wrapped it around my neck the scarf. C. Around my neck the scarf I wrapped. D. The scarf I wrapped around my neck.
What is A. I wrapped the scarf around my neck.
What suffix indicates that something is lacking?
What is -less
The best way to combine the following sentences: I studied many hours for the test. I still barely passed.
What is: Although I studied many hours for the test, I still barely passed.

The development of _____________ made cars more readily available for the public.

The assembly line

This word means the same as the word “enormous”? A. small B. large C. nice D. pretty
What is B large
One of the root words in “photographs” is graph. Graph means
What is a picture?
What suffix would you add to tasteful to attribute the quality of being tasteful to an action?
What is -ly
What is the following error in this sentence: We went through a few too many of them in my opinion, but I did love the National portrait Gallery.
What is Portrait should be capitalized

The first 10 amendments of the Constitution are called...

The Bill of Rights

The un in unusual means
What is not.
What does it mean when it says that Rose seems to be “just what the doctor ordered?”
What is: It is like good medicine. It helps someone get better like when the doctor gives you medicine
Verb tense...At 5:00, Leanne got out of bed. If it is 6:00 now, what would be the proper way to say what Leanne did?
What is Leanne rose at 5:00.
Which sentence includes a comparison/contrast: A. John is fast and agile. B. Running track is his best sport. C. Phil is faster than John, but not as strong. D. Phil prefers cross-country running.
What is C...Phil is faster than John, but not as strong.

Although segregation was officially illegal, these helped keep whites and blacks separate.

What are the Jim Crow Laws?

Jenny is getting ready in the morning. Jenny would do these things. Put them in order first to last. A. Put on shoes B. Get out of bed C. Get dressed
What is B Get out of bed, C Get dressed, A Put on shoes
The correct meaning for the word cast in the sentence: “Fortunately, Rose is perfectly cast for her role.” A. to throw out bait B. to direct a look C. to be picked to perform D. to shed something
What is C. To be picked to perform.
Modifiers--As an adult, Timir does not go to school. What is the modifier in this sentence?
What is As an adult.
Where should the semicolon go in the following sentence: Tea isn't just a hot drink it's a meal of scones and jam, little sandwiches, and even cakes.
What is after drink?

What officially caused the start of World War I?

What is the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand?
