What is the first day of the week
What is Sunday
80-60 =
What is 20
What does the long hand and short hand stand for on a clock
What is minutes, hours
What is 3 + 3+3
What is 9
What are ch, ck, sh, th, wh?
What is the last month of the year?
What is December
How many letters are in the alphabet?
What is 26
How much a quarter worth
What is 50 cents
Name 3 nouns
What is
What is a personal narrative?
A writing piece that is about a true story in someone's life.
What is a noun?
What is a person, place, or thing?
What is your teachers' name
Mrs. Gibb
what is 50 + 2
What is 368 in standard form?
What is a verb?
What is an action word
What is 5+ 5 + 5 + 5
What is 20
What month is Thanksgiving in?
What are these things: est, ed, s, es, er, ing
Name 4 shapes
What is circle, triangle, square, rhombus/diamond, rectangle, etc
What is 600
What is 500+7=
What is 507
what time is Tutoring Lab
What number is greater? 500-20 or 400+60