Who built the Ark?
What is the first book of the Bible in the New Testament?
What did Elijah ride on his way to heaven?
A fire chariot.
What is the best baseball team in Chicago?
Chicago Cubs
Whose brothers sold him into slavery?
The books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel are considered to be books written by who/what?
What do we receive in worship after the confession?
How many petitions are in the Lord's prayer (including introduction and conclusion)?
What is the object in Jacob's dream talked about in Genesis 28?
A ladder.
What is the 7th commandment?
You shall not steal.
What mountain did Elijah defeat the fake prophets of baal?
Mt. Carmel
Who found baby Moses in the basket along the river?
Pharaoh's daughter.
Name 5 books included in the Epistle.
Romans ~ Jude (any 5)
What Missouri Synod district is Holy Cross in?
Minnesota North
What language did people speak in the holy land when Jesus was born?
What does the 10th commandment say?
You shall not covet.
What does Christ give us in the Sacrament of the Altar?
His true body and blood.
White washed wall.
Name the 6 seasons church year.
Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Season after Pentecost.