This skill involves imagining a different, better place to mentally escape distress.
What is imagery?
This popular form of relaxation includes deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization.
What is meditation?
This skill involves listening carefully, nodding, and repeating back what someone said to show understanding.
What is active listening?
This type of boundary involves setting limits on physical touch and personal space.
What are physical boundaries?
Healing your inner child involves revisiting and nurturing emotions from this time in your life.
What is childhood?
TIPP stands for Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, and this relaxation skill.
What is paired muscle relaxation (or progressive muscle relaxation)?
This daily practice involves speaking kindly to yourself and challenging negative self-talk.
What are positive affirmations?
This type of communication ensures your message is clear, direct, and respectful.
What is assertive communication?
This type of boundary involves setting limits on physical touch and personal space.
What is "No?"
People who struggle with this often have a wounded inner child that fears abandonment.
What is fear of rejection?
This skill involves acting opposite to your emotional urges when they are unjustified.
What is opposite action?
This term refers to treating yourself with the same kindness you would offer a close friend.
What is self-compassion?
A person who dominates conversations, interrupts, and disregards others’ feelings may have this communication style.
What is aggressive communication?
A person with weak boundaries may struggle with this, saying yes to things they don’t want to do.
What is people-pleasing?
Overworking, perfectionism, and feeling "never good enough" can be signs of this childhood wound.
What is the inner critic (or fear of failure)?
This acronym guides assertive communication by balancing objectives, relationships, and self-respect.
What is DEAR MAN?
This psychological term refers to how much value you believe you have as a person.
What is self-worth?
People with strong communication skills ask these types of questions that require more than a yes-or-no answer.
What are open-ended questions?
When someone repeatedly ignores your boundaries, it may be a sign of this kind of relationship.
What is a toxic or unhealthy relationship?
Giving yourself the love and validation you may not have received as a child is called this.
What is reparenting?
This distress tolerance skill involves visualizing placing your emotions on a leaf floating down a stream.
What is mindfulness visualization (or thought diffusion)?
Setting and respecting these helps reinforce your self-worth.
What are boundaries?
This method of responding shows you are engaged by summarizing or reflecting back what was said.
What is paraphrasing?
Someone who never compromises and expects others to meet all their needs may have boundaries that are too much of this.
What is rigid?
Being drawn to emotionally unavailable partners may indicate this unmet childhood need.
What is seeking validation or love?