Who is our new CMD?
Jayant Bhargava
Name this athlete
Shesar Hiren Rusthavito
Who won the best actor award at the Oscars in 2022?
Will Smith
Which city does this food come
Which animal can be seen on the Porsche Logo?
Where is the Accenture Semarang and Jakarta building located?
Gedung Suara Merdeka & Gedung Wisma BNI 46
Where will this year's Formula E competition be held?
"Kamu dimana, dengan siapa, semalam berbuat apa?"
Name the title and band!!
Kangen Band - Yolanda
What type of human fossil first founded in Indonesia?
Pithecanthropus Erectus
Yogyakarta is one of the best cities in Indonesia which have the Special Region at its name. Currently, Yogyakarta led by a Sultan. What is the name of the Sultan?
Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X
Tell us! When does Om Ad celebrate his birthday?
27 April
Name this sport in your childhood memories!!Name this sport in your childhood memories!!
Gobak Sodor/Galasin
What is the name of this boyband?
BTS/Bangtan Boys
What is the name of the first Hindu kingdom in Indonesia
Kutai Kartanegara
What does Hakuna Matata mean?
No worries
Before changing its name to Accenture Indonesia, what was the name of the company we worked for?
Anderson Consulting
Where is Indonesia's ranking position in the final standings of the 2022 Sea Games Medals?
Who plays the role as Wanda Maximoff?
Elizabeth Olsen
Who speaks and writes the Sumpah Palapa?
Gajah Mada
Who is the Google Founder
Larry Page and Sergery Brin
When did Accenture inaugurate the Accenture Delivery Center in Semarang?
21 April 2022
Who is the tallest basketball player in the world?
Gheorghe Dumitru Muresan/Ghita/Big Ghita/George
What is the spell used to cast the light from the tip of the wizard's wand in Harry Potter?
Name all province and its head of province in Sumatra Island!
1. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam : Banda Aceh
2. Sumatera Utara : Medan
3. Sumatera Selatan : Palembang
4. Sumatera Barat : Padang
5. Bengkulu : Bengkulu
6. Riau : Pekanbaru
7. Kepulauan Riau : Tanjung Pinang
8. Jambi : Jambi
9. Lampung : Bandar Lampung
10.Bangka Belitung : Pangkal Pinang
Name all 7 continents
1. Africa
2. Europe
3. Asia
4. North America
5. South America
6. Antarctica
7. Australia