She is the total opposite of a Kdrama mother in law. Who is she?
Naomi (나오미)
Name the 1st plague.
Nile water turned into blood (Exodus Ch. 7)
Aaron (아론)
What is the most important object in the Tabernacle?
The Ark (계약의 궤)
What is the title of new original song that was released in this year's regional convention?
"Our Joy Eternally"
She milked and nailed the situation. Name this woman.
Jael (야엘)
How many years did the woman suffer from a flow of blood before she touched Jesus' garments?
12 years
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Jezebel (이세벨)
How long did it take to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem?
52 days
What is the theme of October's JW Broadcasting?
"Pray Continually, So that You May Not Enter Into Temptation."
Name the power couple during Paul's time.
Aquila and Priscilla (브리스길라와 아굴라 )
Name the city where Eutychus falls alseep when Paul is giving his speech.
Troas (트로아스)
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Paul (사도 바울)
After Jesus is resurrected, name one of the people that he first appears to?
Mary Magdalene (막달라 마리아) Ch. 134
Name at least 4 of the governing body members.
Herd, Lett, Splane, Sanderson, Jackson, Morris, Cook, Losch
An 80 year old grandpa who showed modesty to King David. Who is he?
(2 Samuel 19:34, 35)
How does Jesus heal a man born blind? (Describe his action)
Jesus spits on the ground and with the saliva makes a paste. He puts some of it on the blind man’s eyes and says: “Go wash in the pool of Siloam.” (John 9:7)
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Miriam (미리암)
Name the 2 people who came to help with Jesus' burial?
Joseph from the city of Arimathea & Nicodemus (아리마대 도시 사람인 요셉 & 니고데모 Ch. 133 )
What year was the revised New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in English released?
Oct. 5th 2013 (129th Annual Meeting)
Babylonian king who put Daniel in the lion's pit.
Darius the Mede (다리우스)
What is Elijah's last miracle?
Dividing the waters of the Jordan river. (2 Ki. 2:8)
Balaam (발람)
What are the 2 main reasons why Jehovah did not punish Aaron for making the Golden Calf? (w10 5/15 21 )
1) Aaron’s record of faithfulness.
2) Aaron gave into pressure
Work it! When will the construction of Ramapo begin and end? (Planning dates)
Planning for 2022-12/31 2026