Books we read
Traditions and Celebrations
Letter that work together
This piece of cutlery, that we often use to eat cereal, was feeling like the knife, fork and chopsticks had it better than he did, before he realized that he had a lot to be thankful for as well. 
What is "Spoon"? 

This type of line separates two congruent sides of a shape. 

What is a line of symmetry?


This celebration involved eating this delicious type of food on this specific day of the week (hint, they both start with the same letter). 

What is "taco Tuesday"?


These letters work together to end lots of words, like the word for this type of group that I meet with every afternoon. 

What is ing? (As in reading)


During this adventure, we needed to crank up our time machine so we could see these pre-historic beasts that we needed to run, jump and hide from. 

What are dinosaurs? 


We learned about this holiday in a book starring Hasaan and Aneesa. 

What is Eid? 


When two when two shapes are congruent, then need to be these two things. 

The same size and the same shape. 

We agreed that lots of us have cake and maybe a special meal when it's our big day. Lilah celebrated on this week! 

What is a birthday?


These two letters make the morning message almost everytime because they're so commonly used together. When we're being polite, we say these letters to start a word after we're give something. 

What is "th" (as in "thanks")


During a very quick adventure, we went to this place and invented a pink elephant, we recreated frankenstein and we loaded up some pop with menthos. 

What is the laboratory?


When Sophie is having trouble sleeping because she's feeling worried, her mother tells her NOT to think about this colourful animal. 

What are purple elephants? 


Decomposing means when break a shape into smaller pieces, true or false?



During this month, lots of the special days that we talked about are celebrated. 

What is December? (Hanukka, Christmas, Kwanzaa)


This two letter combinations really shines in this tongue twister - "She sells sea shells down by the sea shore" 

What is "sh"?


During this adventure, we rode the streetcar to go downtown to this place where lots of people buy books. 

What is Indigo? 


In The Fort, which we read last week, one of the characters pretends the tree house is a pirate ship, the other character pretends it is a castle. What do they end up pretending it is when they start playing together?

What is a space ship?


This term, which starts with an a, is the space inside of a shape. We learned about it when we talked about how many of Jelly's books would fit on a desk. 

What is area?


Although we celebrate different events for different reasons, all of the celebrations we discussed usually involve these two things. 

1) Seeing friends and family (virtually or in person)

2) Eating food together 


When we think about good food that puts you in a good mood you might be thinking about this letter repeating itself twice. 

What is "oo"?


During this adventure into the forrest, we had to warm up our arms with lots of throwing exercises as we tried to catch all of these creatures! Like Ash says, gotta catch em all!

What are pokémon?


In this book that we read last week, it discussed the importance of doing this, which it says you can do in many ways, to try to make change. 

What is Say Something?


These are three examples of shapes that we saw in the picture of the park. 

2D: What is a triangle (sign, in the kite), square (hopscotch and sign) circle - (bicycle tire, the sun, painting), pentagon - (houses), rectangle - windows on the bus

3D: Sphere - balloons, pentagonal prism - the treehouse 


After Ramadan, a month of fasting, reflection and prayer, this event is a celebration that involves a feast, gifts and seeing friends and family. This year, it happens in May

What is Eid?


This 4-letter combination ends lots of words and is cause for celebration! Using it more often might even become a tradition! 

What is "tion"?


When we're doing our adventures, we're trying to get some exercise to stay physically and mentally healthy, but most importantly, we need to stay ___ 

What is "safe"?
