What was his job in Rome?
What is Roman Emperor?
Where was his cabin located?
What is Walden (Concord)?
Schopenhauer is known as the philosopher of ____?
What is pessimism?
Philosophy literally means
What is the love of wisdom
True or False: Socrates was Plato's teacher
What is true
What type of philosophy did he study?
What is Stoicism?
What do Thoreau and Transcendenalism advocate for?
What is advocate for a life of self reliance and devoid of unnecessary materialism. This relates to transcendentalism values of independence and search for truth.
Would Schopenhauer believe it's better to live a life without too much suffering and less overall joy or it's better to chase the biggest joys, even if it increases suffering?
What it's better to live a life without too much suffering and less overall joy?
The philosopher who believed that a human’s goal would be to seek pleasure/happiness without any physical or mental strain on oneself.
Who is Epicurus?
A way of studying issues and problems through a question and answer technique is
what is the Socratic method
What are the core beliefs of Stoicism?
Virtue is the highest good and the only thing that is truly within our control. Things like wealth, health, and reputation are "indifferent" and should not be the focus of our pursuit.
Reason and logic should guide our actions and emotions. We should strive to have a "cosmic perspective" and view events impartially, without excessive attachment or aversion.
We should accept our fate and the natural order of the universe with equanimity, as everything happens according to divine providence.
What is his most famous text and what does it discuss?
What is Walden? Thoreau reflects on his two years living in solitude in a cabin by the lake.
How can we escape the pain and suffering and become liberated?
What is through art and music?
This philosopher believes that man was born good and society corrupts man. Also believed in a social contract that maintained the relationship and balance between a government and its citizens. He also enjoyed walking.
Who is Rousseau?
What is the name of the book we are reading?
What is The Socrates Express?
What is his most famous text?
What is Meditations?
What is his main belief system/type of philosophy?
What is Transcendentalism?
Explain this quote "A man can be himself only so long as he is alone, and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom, for it is only when he is alone that he is really free"
What is when a person is alone they experience true freedom because they are not being watched or perceived. If a person cannot enjoy and find peace in alone time, they will never experience being their true self and therefore are not really free.
Explain how one of the philosophers we've studied would handle the following situation: You are stuck in traffic and may be late to work
What is answers vary
Socrates was killed for
Corrupting the minds of Athens youth
Examples of Preferred and Dispreferred indifferents?
Preferred: Life, health, pleasure, beauty, strength, wealth, good reputation, and noble birth
Dispreferred: Death, disease, pain, ugliness, weakness, poverty, low repute, and ignoble birth.
What are some major aspects of Transcendental beliefs?
Transcendentalism is about the innate goodness of humanity, the essential unity of all creation and the need for experience for revelation of the deepest truths. Transcendentalists believed that people are at their best when truly self reliant and independent.
What does Schopenhauer mean by “Will”?
Schopenhauer considered space and time illusions of our minds. They don't exist outside of us. Therefore, whatever is actually behind the world, is not subject to space nor time. In other words, it is united and eternal. Schopenhauer called this force "Will" because he noticed a similar set of drives not only in humans, but animals, vegetation and even non-organic things. Namely, the will to survive, assert and reproduce. This is the reality lies behind our world of illusion.
Explain the difference between knowledge and wisdom
What is knowledge as understanding basic facts, truths, and information. We gain knowledge from learning and education. Wisdom, on the other hand, is the ability to use knowledge in a practical, intelligent way.
Socrates most famous quote
What is The unexamined life is not worth living