Who was the main god of this story?
who is Ares
What Ares was not wearing when he got hit in the head with a rock (joke question)
What is His Helmet
What does Ares love about battles
where did Ares spend several years as a result of two mortals
where is shoved in a vase
Who procrastinated and didn't finish this?
Mal!!! (had no more motivation. I did like 80% of it lol)
The mortals who owned the field that Ares got knocked out in
who are "The Brothers"
The weapon that was used to knock Ares out, twice.
what is a rock / what are rocks
JQ: What should Ares have been wearing that day
His helmet
Where does this story take place?
where is a field in the northernmost tip of ancient greece
The god that found Ares in the vase
who is Hermes
The famous tiny place Ares was stuffed in by mortals
what is a vase
What Ares went down to the mortal realm to look for
What is the field used for?
Growing crops
Ares best friend that he travelled to battles with
Who is Eris (the spirit of disagreement)
The group of people who continuously fought battles on the Brothers field
who are The Macedonians
What the Brothers stopped the fighting in order to protect
what are crops
The field is located between Greece and...
what is the border of Macedonia / where is Macedonia
Who are the parents of Ares?
who were Zeus and Hera
This god made a brief appearance to throw a rock at Ares
who is Athena
The name of the items that the common people thought knocked Ares out
Disagreement (Eris), pain, panic, and famine