What day is Nochebuena celebrated?
What is Christmas Eve or December 24th?
BONUS: What is the weather like during Christmas in Argentina?
What is warm?
What is the translation of Feriados de Fin de Año?
What is New Year's Eve?
What is the capital of Argentina?
What is Buenos Aires?
What do families typically do at midnight at Nochebuena?
What is open presents?
What is Santa Claus called in Argentina?
Who is Papà Noel?
BONUS: Where do families usually go late at night during Feriados de Fin de Año?
What is church?
What is the filling of Alfajores de Maicena?
What is dulce de leche?
What is the translation of Nochebuena?
What is "the good night"?
What day are Christmas trees normally decorated in Argentina?
What is December 8th?
Which city is one of the top 5 places to celebrate Feriados de Fin de Año in South America?
What is Buenos Aires?
How many main holidays are celebrated during the Christmas season in Argentina?
What is 3?
BONUS: What is a traditional dish served at Nochebuena?
What is vitel toné?
What are at least TWO of the colors usually seen on wreaths in Argentina?
What are gold, green, red, and white?
What do families normally like to watch on Feriados de Fin de Año?
What are fireworks?
Since what century have Alfajores de Maicena been eaten in South America?
What is the 8th century?
True or false: Celebrating Nochebuena is less important than celebrating Christmas in Argentina.
What is false?
BONUS: Why do people in Argentina like to have their Christmas trees decorated by December 8th?
What is the Virgin Mary's conception?
Where do families gather to celebrate Feriados de Fin de Año?
What is their houses or streets?
BONUS: Why do people go to Buenos Aires to celebrate Feriados de Fin de Año?
What is the coast is beautiful and restaurants and hotels have themed events?