What year did Argonne open?
Two teachers with the first name Erin, teach these grades.
1st and 4th or 4/5 split
This is how many students are currently enrolled at Argonne
This is the address of the SFUSD headquarters
555 Franklin Street
This is the mailing address of Argonne School
1860 18th Avenue
This is how many PE teachers worked with Argonne students this year
The name of the coffee/dining shop that recently opened near Argonne School
What is the Orson's Belly
This is the year Argonne celebrated its 150th anniversary
This teacher has 2 children who attend Argonne
Ms. Peterson!
This animal is Argonne's mascot
SFUD announced yesterday that they are on track to offer in-person learning options at a select number of schools for whom?
the youngest students (grade K-2)
The Outer Richmond neighborhood exists betweeen these two landmarks
The Presidio and Golden Gate Park
This local organization was especially helpful for planning for our 150th Anniversary celebration.
Western Neighborhoods Project
Tennis is one of this teacher's favorite hobbies
Mr. Strohm!
This is the feeder school for Argonne students
Presidio MS
True or False: SFUSD serves over 75,000 students
False! More like 55,000
returning soldiers from WWI (the 363rd Infantry)
These are Argonne's two PE teachers
Coach Joey and Coach Zach
These are the traditional hours in a school day
8:30am - 2:40pm
There are this many K-5 schools in SFUSD
Alamo on 23rd ave
Sutro 12th ave
SF Pacific Academy Balboa