He is the hard working horse in Animal Farm
Who is Boxer?
These are the three rhetorical devices
What are Ethos, pathos, logos
Facts, statistics, and reasoning are commonly referred to as this
What is evidence?
This is the main point of an argument
What is a claim?
Ms. Martinez is concerned that human beings will no longer be able to form their own thoughts and ideas because of this tool
What is generative AI?
These are the three main pigs who lead the farm
Who are Squealer, Snowball, and Napoleon?
This is the meaning of Ethos
When trying to persuade, an author will use this type of device
What is a rhetorical device?
This is what you use to back up a claim
What is evidence and reasoning?
Ms. Martinez believes that this is the best place to explore your interests and ideas with little to no repercussions.
What is school
Animal Farm is an allegory for this historical event
What is The Russian Revolution?
This is the rhetorical device attempted if an author uses a lot of figurative language or description
What is Pathos?
In order to soften the blow of a heavy theme or topic, an author might write in this style. (Hint: Animal Farm)
What is an allegory or satire?
When writing an argument, an author must anticipate and consider this.
What are audience needs?
Because of this tool, Ms. Martinez believe students no longer see value in their own opinions or knowledge.
What is generative AI
Name a theme in Animal Farm that could connect to our world today.
Power hoarding, corruption, revolutions gone wrong, the misuse of propaganda, the spread of misinformation, manipulation, etc.
This rhetorical device provides factual information and shows a line of reasoning
What is logos?
Word choice is important, which is why we must be aware of these different types of definitions.
What are connotation and denotation?
When crafting an argument, use this to refute the opposing side.
What is a counterclaim?
Ms. Martinez finds these two things to be the most disrespectful thing you can do in class.
What is sleep or talk over another person?
These are the real life connections for the following characters:
Mr. Jones
Who are Czar Nicholas II, Joseph Stalin, Propaganda or Trotsky, and Religion/ Rasputin
This is the most commonly attempted rhetorical device in political speeches
What is ethos?
This is the way an author sounds, or how they make the reader feel.
What is tone and mood?
This type of media is not only argumentative, but also typically includes a logical fallacy.
What is propaganda?
This is Ms. Martinez' favorite class period
4th lol