The font that you will use in your paper
What is Times New Roman (12 pt)
The TOTAL number of sources needed for your argumentative paper
What is Six (6)
The name of what you are answering in your argumentative paper
What is a research question
The format you will submit your final paper in
What is a PDF
The end of your paper, where you talk about the significance of your argument and offer suggestions for further research
What is a Conclusion
When you have more than one author, for an in-text citation, you write the first authors last name, followed by this abbreviation
What is et al.
The number of scholarly/academic sources needed for your paper
What is Two (2)
The question that you are answering in your introduction paragraph, alongside presenting your topic, research question, and thesis
What is "why is this important now?"
The total number of pages in your paper, not including your title page or reference page
What is 5 FULL pages
The part of your paper where you prove your thesis, point by point, using your sources and your own original ideas
What is a body paragraph
The summary, detailing what your paper is about
What is an abstract
The number of sources that must provide a counterargument
What is One (1)
The pre-existing debate surrounding your topic
What is Literature Review
The format your paper will be in
What is APA
The techniques you will use to persuade your reader (was also used in your rhetorical analysis)
What are ethos, logos, pathos, and speech act theory
The name of a quotation that is 3 or more lines long
What is a Block Quote
In your reference page, the author name should be cited like this
What is Last Name, F. M.
After bring up this in your paper, you will have to persuade your reader that your perspective is still valid
What is a counterargument
What is a Reflection Intro
The two things you should always keep in mind while writing your body paragraphs
What are audience and rhetorical situation
The correct order for your title page is: Title, Your Name, CSU, Course Number and Name, Instructor Name, and this
What is an Assignment Due Date
When citing your electronic source, the order should be, Author Name, Date, and then these three parts
What is Title, Site name, and URL
The name of something you will create and publish that highlights the top 5 reasons people should believe your argument
What is a listicle
The cource name, section, and website name of where you will submit your final draft on November 28th
What is English 101, Section 10, and Blackboard
Your thesis should provide this
What is your original argument regarding your research topic and question