What is a statement that asserts something to be true?
What is an argument that opposes the original claim?
What is the concluding section of an argumentative essay?
What is anaphora?
What is reliance on unreliable sources?
An argument that relies on sources that are known to be biased or unreliable suffers from this weakness.
What type of support comes from facts, statistics, or research?
Informational support or Evidence based support
What is a response that defends the original claim against a counterargument?
What is the opening section of an argumentative essay that introduces the topic and states the thesis?
What is chiasmus?
Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country
What is lack of sufficient evidence?
When an argument lacks sufficient data or examples to support its claims, it has this weakness.
What is the term for evidence that directly relates to the claim?
relevant evidence
What is the term for acknowledging the validity of a point in a counterargument?
What is a statement that presents the writer's position on a topic?
thesis statement
What is a rhetorical question?
question asked for effect, not requiring an answer
What is emotional manipulation?
An argument that uses emotionally charged language to manipulate the audience, rather than relying on logic, demonstrates this weakness.
What is the term for evidence that is based on observations or experiences?
empirical evidence
What is a method of rebuttal that shows a counterargument is based on a false premise?
attacking the premise
What are the supporting paragraphs in an argumentative essay called?
body paragraphs
What is antithesis?
The use of contrasting or opposite ideas in parallel phrases or clauses.
What are contradictory claims?
When an argument presents claims that contradict each other, it suffers from this weakness
What is the process of evaluating whether evidence logically supports a claim?
argument analysis.
What is the term for weakening a counterargument by showing it has limited scope or application?
qualifying the counterargument
What is the logical arrangement of ideas in an argumentative essay called?
What is hyperbole?
The use of exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
What is unclear or ambiguous language?
An argument that uses vague or unclear language, making it difficult to understand its meaning, has this weakness.