Argument or Not?
Plausible Premises?
Does it follow?
Valid, Strong, Weak, or Invalid
Why won’t you help me? Are you mad? Are you unable?
No, Even if the are rhetorically convincing, questions aren't arguments
All brunettes are evil. She is a brunette. She must be evil.
No, it is not plausible that all people with brunette hair are evil.
Runners wear light clothing and shoes. Therefore it is easy to run five miles a day.
This does not follow because the premise tells us nothing about what makes running difficult or easy.
Joe is single. So Joe was never married.
The alternative that Joe is divorced is reasonably likely, so this argument is weak.
Who is on the fifty dollar bill?
You should buy this computer because it has 1 TB of memory and 6 GB of RAM.
Yes, and the premises are that it has 1TB of memory and 6GB of RAM.
Training in math helps accountants have good careers, so all accountants should learn math.
Yes, it is plausible that accountants would benefit from math skills.
This class is in the morning, so it costs less than afternoon classes.
This does not follow because the premise gives us no reason to think that morning classes are less expensive than those in the afternoon.
The cat meows when he's hungry. He's meowing now, so he must be hungry.
This is weak because the cat could be meowing for attention. Hunger isn't the only possibility.
What is the Nevada State bird?
Mountain Bluebird
Walk the dog at noon and at 5:00pm. Wash the dishes, and fold the laundry.
No, instructions and commands aren't arguments.
Public speaking skills are important for politicians, so all politicians take speech classes.
Yes, even though we can't know if all politicians take speech classes, it is plausible that they would value public speaking skills.
All mammals are warm-blooded. Dogs are mammals, so dogs are warm blooded.
This conclusion follows the premises.
The defendant intended to kill the victim. He bought a gun, practiced on a target with her name written on it, and stalked her for two days.
This is a valid argument as long as the premises are proven to be plausible.
How far is it from Reno to Las Vegas?
453 miles.
You shouldn’t buy a Dodge since they’ve had three recalls this year.
Yes, and the premise is that they've had three recalls.
All dogs are innocent, so all dogs go to heaven.
Yes, it is plausible that all dogs can fit a certain definition of innocence, but this is not a strong argument.
We can put a man on Mars, so we can cure cancer.
This does not follow because the premise and conclusion deal with different fields of science.
James has a gun, so he shot Louise.
This is invalid because the conclusion doesn't follow the premise.
What is the name of the drummer for the Beatles?
Ringo Star
How could she win the election? She’s a terrible choice because she knows nothing about city government.
Yes, even though there is a question, a valid argument follows.
Asians are good at math, and Jay is Asian, so he must be good at math.
No. This is a stereotype, and you can't trust stereotypes as a premise for an argument.
Two years ago, Jamie’s teeth were crooked. Now they are straight. Therefore Jaime had braces between then and now.
While there are other explanations, braces are by far the most likely reason for Jamie's straight teeth, so we can safely say that it follows.
My car was black yesterday, and it is white today, so someone must have painted it.
This isn't the only explanation, but it is the most likely one, so this is a strong argument.
Name the four Presidents whose faces are on Mount Rushmore.
Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Teddy Roosevelt.