Who were the first and last arihants in our half time cycle?
Rishabdev and Mahavir Swami
You can see/hear the arihant is _ directions.
4 directions
Which panch parmeshti do we recite first in the Navkar mantra?
Bonus if you know why.
Bonus: Arihants are the only living kevalis that can guide us on the path of liberation.
What are the 4 main inner enemies?
Krodh(Anger), Man(Ego), Maya(Deceit), Lobh(Greed)
True or False
Arihanta= Kevali
How many ARIHANTS are born every half time cycle?
24 Arihants
What color of blood do arihants have? Bonus points for why.
(Hint: Mahavir Swami's interaction with Chandakaushik)
White Blood
Bonus: Compassionate nature
What do the first 5 lines of the Navkar Mantra mean?(In order)
I bow down to Arihants
I bow down to Siddhas
I bow down to Acharyas
I bow down to Upadhyas
I bow down to Sadhu/Sadhvis
What does the word Arihant mean?
Destroyer of inner enemies
What is another name of an arihant?
Why are they called that name?
Since they have attained Keval Jnan.
How many aras are there in each half time cycle?
6 aras
True or False: In an arihant's vicinity, the weather is always pleasant and there are exactly 2 calamities
True or False: GOAL for all living souls on earth- TO become ARIHANT
If False, change the statement to make it true.
GOAL for all living souls on earth- TO become SIDDHA
Fill in the blanks: Arihants have destroyed 4 _____ (destructive to soul) to become a kevali.
Ghati Karmas
Siddhashila is the abode of what type of souls.
True or False: There are 48 Arihant souls every time cycle.
How many attributes do arihants have?
12 qualities/attributes
What does this line mean: Mangalanam Cha Savvesim, Padhamam Havvai Mangalam.
Out of all the auspicious sutras, Navkar Mantra is the foremost.
Name all four Ghati Karmas
Jnanavarniya/ Darshanavarniaya/ Mohaniya/ Antaraya
Indian name of Deceit
What does Ustsarpini mean?
"The half cycle of increasing happiness."
How many birthmarks do arihants have?
1008 birthmarks
Who wrote the Navkar Mantra?
No one knows, it was just part of Jainism.
Fill in the Destruction of Jnanavaranya Karma leads to _____.
Keval-Jnan, infinite knowledge of the past, present, and future.
Destruction of Antaraya karma leads to_____________.
Anant Virya/ Infinite energy