Famous Faces
Origins of Self Care
Food and Sleep

Hint- Singer,

Answer- Beyonce


Which 2005 film tells the story of a lion, a hippo, a zebra and a giraffe who escape from Central Park Zoo?

What is Madagascar 


Which of these is NOT a state of matter? Gas, Light, Liquid, Solid?

What is Light


This everyday hygiene item dates all the way back to 2800 BC.  It was discovered that the Babylonians had clay containers with ingredients and first known recipe for what? (Hint now there are all different types for cleaning all different things)

What is SOAP!


How much sleep is recommend per night for teens? And what happens to you cognitively and emotionally if you don't get that required amount? 

Answer- 8-10 hours. When you don't get enough sleep, cognitively you'll be less quick, slower to problem solve and think flexibly, and your memory isn't as sharp.

Emotionally you'll be "crabby"; more negative about neutral things, more sensitive to things not going your way.  Quicker to anger, worry, and sadden. 


Hint- Singer,  

Answer- Britney Spears 



What popular kid movie is this song, ” Color of the Wind” from?

Answer- Pocahontas 


What 2 things do you need to calculate density?

What is Mass and Volume


The first one of these was patented in England in 1767. It operated by pully system and chain to release;  The contraption didn't really catch on in popularity possibly because it used the same dirty water over and over. (Hint you should now use this everyday). 

What is the shower


How many calories is recommend to intake each and everyday?  What happens to you mentally and emotional if you don't get the necessary calorie amount?

Answer- 2000 per day for women, 2500 for men, varies on activity level, height, and other things however.

When you lack the right calories your focus, and ability to think and problem solve will decrease. And  Emotionally you will be much more sensitive to negative emotions, quicker to anger, worry, or sadden.


Hint- Rapper



The film Pixar Movie Coco is based around which annual holiday?

What is "The day of the Dead" or "Día de Muertos"


What is Sir Issac Newtons first law of motion?

What is "if an object (body) is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force. "


While the motive was the same as today, to make us look good; they weren't trying to impress others.  Like other things they built or did, they were trying to impress the Gods.  This culture is believed to be the first to wear make up. 

Who is the Egyptians or people of Egypt 


Why is it suggested to keep your alarm away from bed or out of reach? Similar reasons the mantra "Get on your feet" is important to keep in mind when the alarm goes off.

Answer-  You have an incredible mind and body connection.  The way your body comes the mind will follow, if you stay laying down, brain will want to rest.  Getting on your feet signals to your brains its time to be up and gets blood flowing to help energize that. 


Hint- Singer/ Actor, Django Unchained

Answer- Jamie Fox 


In which 1997 blockbuster that won 11 Oscars, did Jack shout the words “I’m the king of the world!”?

What is Titanic


Veins carry blood to the heart, what is the name of the bodies blood vessels that carries blood AWAY from the heart to other parts of the body?

What are Arteries 


This everyday self care hygiene product, was invented in 1888 by Edna Murphey.  She got the idea from her father who was a doctor and created this substance for surgeons to keep their hands from sweating during surgery, She thought of a better place to put it. This product is now called?

What is Deodorant


Why is important to limit technology before bedtime? Doctor suggest stopping an hour or 2 before bed (Tiktok, snapchat, video games)

Answer- One the light messes up circadian rhythm, tricking brain to be awake and alert when should be tiring. 

Two, can be stimulating for the brain, which releases dopamine, making us feel happy/energetic resulting in death scrolling, or "one more feeling".

Three, Can cause anxiety, resulting in racing thoughts and worries, not allowing us to sleep or having stress dreams. 


Hint: Tv show host, "American Idol"

Answer- Ryan Seacrest 


Which 90's horror film about documentary film makers hiking in the woods cost only 300 thousand to make but grossed nearly $250 million dollars worldwide because of its unique style and realistic feel?

There was a second made in the 2010's, that wasn't as popular.

What is The Blair Witch Project


What part of the human body helps us maintain balance?

Answer- Our ears or ear drums 


These have been around since the year 600, But this self care activity did not become widespread until after the World War 2, when US soldiers continued the routine that had been made mandatory during their military service. (hint- maybe it wasnt mandatory for the British soldiers hehe) 

What is brushing our teeth 


What is the USA's most popular fast food chain or what fast food chain has the most locations in the US? (Hint McDonalds is most popular world-wide, this is asking about USA) 

What is Subway
