TV-Production/Physical Education/ Career and Decision Making
Math(Algebra Honors)
Science(Physical Honors)
English Language Arts (Advanced)
History(Civics Advanced)

What part of the camera makes the imaging visible?

What is Lense?


What is this equation used for: y=mx+b?

What is finding a line?


If the equation F=ma stands for Newtons=Kilograms x Meters per second, how would you solve this word problem. Mary has a mass of 20 kg(kilograms) and she moves at a speed of 10 m/s (meters per second) what would be her newtons/force?

What is 200 Newtons?


If an independent clause is a complete sentence made of two dependent clauses, and a dependent clause is an incomplete sentence what clause would this sentence be? It's to early so,

What is dependent clause?


What government is The United States of America?

What is Republic?


Name 3 Physical Education activities.

What is?


What variables are used to determine a point on a graph.

What is x and y?


If the equation W=Fxd which Joules= Newtons x meters solve this word problem. Maria has a force of 5 Newtons and moves 3 meters what is her Joules?

What is 15 Joules?


An Archetype is a word or phrase that is used to describe a character, person or yourself, so what archetype would Iron Man be?

What is Hero?


What article in the U.S. constitution talks about the presidents power and limitations?

What is Article III/3?


When choosing your career should you give no thought about what you want to be and apply to a random college?

What is no?


What variable is used on the horizontal axis?

What is x?


If P=W/t Watts=Joules/Seconds solve this word promblem. Ari has the Joules of 10 and moves for 2 seconds how much watts did he use?

What is 5 Watts?


What is it called when lines are shaped as a paragraph in a poem consisting of 4 or 5 lines?

What is Stanza?


What amendment in the U.S. Constitution is about the five freedoms for the governed of the Union?

What is Amendment I/1?


What technology is used for a person or think to amplify their voice.

What is Microphone?


What variable is used for the vertical axis.

What is y?


If a=f-i/t Meters pers second squared= meters per second final - meters per second initial/ seconds solve this word problem. If Leon moves initially 20 meters per second and moves finally 80 meters per second and he takes 10 seconds moving what is his meters per second squared?

What is 6 meters per second squared?


If you need to explain your evidence when writing after you show your evidence and if there is a format that is called PEELS where would your evidence sentence go in this format?

What is first E? 


What is the Magna Carta?

The British document limiting the king's or queen's power.


Which fitness gram test is for cardio endurance: Pacer Test, Flex Arm Hang, Sit and Reach or Curl Ups.

What is Pacer Test?


If the prefix bi means two and a polynomial look like this; +8z what would a binomial look like.

What is 8z+/ or /+8z?


If Q=cm(f-i) Joules- Joules/kilogramsCelsius x kilograms (final - initial) solve this word problem. If water has 4 J/kgc and is 10 kilograms and moves initially 10 Celsius finally to 20 Celsius what would be the Joules added to water?

What is 400 Joules?


What does the figurative language word "Simile" mean? Ex: He was as strong as superman; she was like a diamond shinning in the room. Based on this information what does "Simile" mean?

What is comparing two things with the words "like" or "as"


How many electoral votes are needed to win presidency?

What is 270?
