Special Exceptions
Part Orders

If we receive a 4HR part order for Softlayer for a part number not starting with AOC how should we process?



We receive a NBD for customer located in Rome Italy, per the depot routing guide we should order from AMS. AMS does not have stock but the Rome depot has stock. Do we proceed?



A NBD order for a customer in the US shipped FedEx priority overnight will have what time as their ETA?

NBD @ 10:30 local time


If its a part only RMA, when should the status be changed from Accepted to Dispatched

After we receive the order number from Flash or Choice

If T&E is late 3 or more times in a year what is the consequence ?

You can receive a 10% pay decrease when its time for your annual review 


If we received a NBD RMA for Facebook in the US and the closest part available is 170 miles from customer what service should we ship the part?

NBD - its over the 150 mile cut off


If we receive a multiline RMA requesting 7 parts "part number starting with AOC" how long should we wait to after escalating to Arista to place the order?

We don't wait and we don't escalate as we can proceed as long as stock is available. 

We receive a NBD RMA for customer in New York on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving at 17:00 EST. What will the SLA be, and what would be the deferral reason? 

Monday 17:00 EST

Deferral reason "Holiday"


What does copy to SOR do?

Makes the note visible to the client


What type of records should we do a hand off for at the end of our shifts? and what color should these be on the log?

4HR orders that are not completed by the end of our shift. Yellow


If we receive a NBD RMA for a US customer and there is no stock in HAY or DAL but other depots in the US have stock. Should we escalate for approval to proceed from a local depot?

No- We can proceed from depot without any approval


If we receive a NBD RMA and the part is not available at the depot the routing guide says to order from, but it is available at another depot that will make the SLA. What should we set our HIT-RATE as?



A NBD order for a customer in the US shipped FedEx priority overnight with an ETA of 10:30 is delivered at 16:00 customer local time. Is this considered late?

No- it still arrived before the 17:00 customer local time SLA

If your name shows as the "Owned By" does that mean you processed the record?

No- that simply means you were the first person to grab from the queue but it is not considered processed until the order is placed 


Does the #s at the end of a depot code in the depot routing guide for Flash make a difference when placing an order via EDI?

No- The depot code will always end with GSP in D360 if its Flash


If we receive an RMA for a customer that is on the Delivery ID required job aid, but there is no delivery ID listed in the RMA. Should we place the order and send email to customer asking for delivery ID?

NO- we send email asking for delivery ID and place RMA on hold until we receive it 

We place a NBD order for a US customer in Virginia using FedEx Priority overnight per the routing guide. Choice changes the carrier to UPS- Who do we need to inform of the change? 

No one- Choice is allowed to change the carrier on Virginia orders from FedEx to UPS if it will save money and still make ETA


We receive a 4hour RMA for a customer located in Germany. The created date in D360 shows 4/11/2024 @ 17:25 what would our SLA in D360 be?

4/11/2024 @ 21:25


If we place a manual order with Choice at 12:00 EST- What time does the system update the serial number in the part information tab?

If does not- You placed it manually you must manually update all fields 


When placing a order manually in Flash. Once in Order Entry 2.0 what is the first thing you should select?

Order Type- If not everything you enter will be lost once u go back and select the order type


We are placing a NBD order for an RMA and realize that the order will be placed after the NBD depot cut off but before 3:30PM local time by checking depot cut off guide. Part is available 150 miles from customer site what should we do?

Place as a scheduled drive


We sent a stock out escalation to Arista. Arista TAC responds to us telling us to proceed with the order what should we do?

We do not follow TACs instructions, per process only Arista Service Logistics can provide approval 


We receive a NBD RMA for a customer located in Kuwait on Thursday at 08:00 customer local time. What will the ETA & SLA be?

ETA: Sunday @ 15:00 customer local time

SLA: Sunday @ 17:00 customer local time


If we receive an RMA and the contact information states the shipping address city is Johnston, Rhode Island however the DOW states the shipping address city is Glocester, Rhode Island. Which one should we use?

Glocester, Rhode Island 


Choice orders start with two different prefix's. What are they and what is the diffrence? 

Z=NBD Shipments

G= 4Hour & Scheduled shipments
