Virtues and Morality
Liturgical and Church Life
Key Biblical and Theological Concepts
Sins and Works of Mercy

The Sacrament which gives spiritual healing and strength to a person seriously ill and sometimes also physical recovery.

What is Anointing of the Sick?


The moral virtue that helps us manage or control our desires for bodily and spiritual pleasure in the way that God intended.

What is Chastity?


The liturgical season in which we focus on the Paschal Mystery by reflecting upon Jesus’ life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection.

What is Lent?


The first book of the Bible, which describes God’s creation of the world and humanity.

What is Genesis?


Certain sins that should be especially guarded against because they are likely to lead to other sins.

What are the Capital Sins?


The Sacramental joining of one man and one woman in a free, faithful, fruitful, and indissoluble union.

What is Marriage?


The gift God gave human beings to be able to use reason in order to judge right from wrong.

What is Conscience?


A calendar that charts the various seasons, remembrances, feasts, and celebrations in the life of the Church over the course of a year.

What is the Liturgical Year?


Jesus’ teachings that we should love God with all our heart and love our neighbor as ourselves.

What are the Great Commandments?


Actions that help us meet a person’s physical needs, such as feeding the hungry and clothing the naked.

What are the Corporal Works of Mercy?


A sign of God’s grace that gives the grace that it signifies, founded by Jesus and including Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Holy Matrimony.

What is a Sacrament?


The honor and respect due to all human beings, from unborn babies to the elderly, because they are children of God made in His image and likeness.

What is Human Dignity?


The liturgical celebration and memorial of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection from the dead.

What is the Mass?


The state of being after death in which those who die in God’s grace and friendship live forever with Christ.

What is Heaven?


Serious sin that we choose to commit even though we know it is wrong, separating us from God.

What is Mortal Sin?


The Sacrament that gives us a chance to confess our sins when we are truly sorry and receive forgiveness from God through a priest.

What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation?


The quality of human actions whereby they are right or wrong in accordance with God’s law.

What is Morality?


The day when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the Apostles and the Church was born.

What is Pentecost?


The judgment experienced on the Last Day, when all actions will be illuminated by Christ.

What is the Last Judgement?


he emotions or dispositions which incline us to good or evil actions, such as love and hate.

What are Moral Passions?


The title for the Eucharist, where we are united to Jesus Himself when we receive it.

What is Holy Communion?


A habit of doing what is good, built through our own efforts and with God’s grace.

What is a Virtue?


The minimum requirements of us for Christian living.

What are the Precepts of the Church?


The gifts infused by God into the souls of the faithful to make them capable of acting as His children.

What are the Theological Virtues?


The transformation of the sinner from a state of unrighteousness to a state of holiness with God.

What is Justification?
