What is the 1st popular city in Arkansas
Little Rock
what company has made the most money in Arkansas (was founded in Arkansas too)
What is the capital of Arkansas
Little Rock
What college/university is home to the Razorbacks?
The university of Arkansas
What is the state bird?
What is the 2nd popular city in Arkansas
Is Tyson's headquarters in Arkansas?
Mississippi river
University is located in Jonesboro, Arkansas?
Arkansas St. University
What is the state tree?
Pine tree
What is the 3rd most popular city in Arknasas
Fort Smith
How much elementary schools are in Arkansas (round)
What is the biggest water source in Arkansas
(Mississippi River Counts)
This college/university is located in Conway, Arkansas and has the same mascot as Sylvan Hills Jr. High
University of Central Arkansas
What is the state gem?
What is the 4th most popular city in Arkansas
What is the least popular city in Arkansas?
The town of Victoria
Does Arkansas produce the most diamonds in the US
This Historically Black College and University in Arkansas University is home to the Golden Lions.
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
(or Pine Bluff)
what is the state flower
Apple blossom
What is the 5th most popular city in Arkansas
What is Arkansas nickname?
The natural state
What is the biggest mountain in Arkansas.
Mount Arkansas
How much miles of sidewalk are does the Arkansas University have imprinted with the names of their graduates
4 miles
What is the state musical instrument?