The museum in Bentonville that displays five centuries of American art
What is Crystal Bridges
In downtown Little Rock, SoMa stands for this.
South of Main
Wrote "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings"
Maya Angelou
A male cat is called a Tom and a female cat is called this.
Queen or Molly
A human has a unique fingerprint. A dog has this unique print.
What is nose
This river was named a national river fifty years ago
Grand Funk Railroad song that mentions Little Rock
what is We're an American Band
Born in Hamburg, he went on to play for the Chicago Bulls with Michael Jordan and won six championships
Who is Scottie Pippin
The first and only cat to ever go to space was called this.l
What is Astronaut
This percentage of people sign their dogs name to their holiday cards
What is 70 percent?
Arkansas is considered the capital of the world for this type of hunting.
What is duck
The baseball field that was home to the Travelers until 2006
Ray Winder Field
She won an Academy Award for her role in Melvin and Howard and grew up in North Little Rock
Mary Steenburgen
Cats are the only mammal who can't do this,
What is taste sweetness
This famous dog was nominated for an Academy Award.
Who is Rin Tin Tin
This city is the home of the US Marshals Museum
What is Fort Smith
The ATA holds its World Championships in Little Rock each summer. For what does ATA stand for
What is American Taekwondo Association
Known as King of the Ragtime, this jazz musician was born in Texarkana
Who is Scott Joplin
This scientist developed the cat door to keep his pet from scratching at the door and interrupting him.
Who is Sir Isaac Newton
The Basenji dog does not really bark, but it does do this
What is yodel
Name one of two cities that was the home of Japanese Relocation Center
Rohwer or Jerome
This third baseman for the Orioles and eventual Baseball Hall of Fame inductee hailed from Little Rock
Brooks Robinson
The first woman ever who, after filling in for her husband who passed away, completed his term and then was elected to the Senate
Hattie Caraway
Cats have this vision difficulty.
What is near-sightedness
All puppies are born without this.
What is hearing