Career Development Opportunities (CDEs)
Leadership Development Opportunities (LDEs)
Unique Opportunities
State Officer Special

Participants cooperatively classify livestock as “keep” or “cull” for market and breeding purposes based on physical characteristics and records.

What is Livestock Evaluation?


Students write and deliver a six- to eight-minute speech about a current agriculture-related topic. The speaking skills gained through this event help students excel in school, community and career settings.

What is Prepared Public Speaking?

Which member on our team won fourth place at Nationals in this contest?


Includes Greenhand Conference, meant to guide members to their place in FFA and establish a strong foundation for future opportunities, and IMPACT, meant to further develop FFA and personal growth.


What is Winter Leadership Conferences?


This opportunity features musically talented FFA members from across the nation to join together in sight and sound. 

What is the National FFA Band and Chorus?

What instrument did Anna play in the National FFA Band?


Students evaluate and rank horses based on breed characteristics, conformation, and performance. 

What is Horse Evaluation CDE?

Name on breed of horse?


Participants demonstrate their knowledge about the quality production, processing, distribution, promotion and marketing of milk and dairy foods.

What is Milk Quality and Products?


Introduces FFA members to parliamentary procedure as they learn how to conduct efficient meetings and build their communication skills.

What is Winter Leadership Conferences?

Name the officer positions that compete in this contest?


Arkansas FFA presents a 4-day camp for FFA members to promote personal growth and enhance leadership skills. Activities include large and small group activities, an ag career panel, banquet and much more!

What is Arkansas Leadership Conference?


This opportunity engages students who like to study and present findings on agricultural scientific principles and emerging technologies.

What is Agriscience Fair?


This 4-person team event helps students prepare for careers in journalism, radio and TV broadcast, web design, marketing and more.

What is Agriculture Communications CDE?


Students demonstrate their skills in diagnosing forest disorders, managing forests and forest inventory and applying approved silviculture practices.

What is Forestry?

This contest is which officer's favorite CDE?


This competition simulates a committee meeting where discussion and active participation build basic discussion skills and develop a keen understanding of important agricultural issues.

What is High School Discussion Meet?


A conference held to sharpen essential skills like conflict resolution, teamwork, and etiquette training, designed for upper level leaders in our chapters and schools.   

What is Chapter President's Conference?


These opportunities bring together people from all over the state or nation to showcase the talent and achievement of FFA members, to meet industry professionals, attend workshops, and get inspired for our organization!

What is State and National Convention? 

Where is State Convention held in Arkansas?


This opportunity allows members show off their skills and compete to be named best of the best. Play the fiddle? Throw a mean yo-yo? Sing along with your guitar? This opportunity is the next performance for you!

What is National Talent?

What instrument did Kacey play in National Talent?


Participants understand basic soil differences, know how soil properties affect crop growth and why soils respond differently to management practices. Students learn to select suitable soil and water conservation practices, determine land capability class and determine proper use and treatment.

What is Land Judging?


Members deliver a five paragraph speech written by E.M. Tiffany that embodies FFA from memory and respond to questions.

What is Creed Speaking?

To win this category, recite the fifth paragraph of the speech.


Special week-long opportunity for high school seniors, designed to showcase the unique and diverse scope of agriculture in Arkansas. 

What is Senior Ag Tour?

Name one agriculture industry in the state of Arkansas.


Awarded to the FFA member that demonstrates the top production agriculture supervised agricultural experience in the state. 

What is Arkansas Star Farmer?

Which member of our team was an Arkansas Star Farmer this past convention?


This opportunity is for the end of the year when a chapter celebrates successes, accomplishments, a year in review, and can induct next years officers. 

What is Chapter Banquet?


Promotes college and career readiness by providing opportunities to develop technical knowledge and demonstrate practical skills in the field of veterinary science.

What is Veterinary Science? 


For FFA members to develop practice and demonstrate skills needed while seeking employment in the agricultural industry.

What is Job Interview?


Each year, FFA members from all over the United States travel to our nation's Capital to attend a well established conference, tour the city, and learn to give back to their respective communities. Only 2% of FFA members get to experience this incredible opportunity. 

What is Washington Leadership Conference?


Presented every year to the chapter's most active first-year member who has a plans for a strong supervised agricultural experience program and has demonstrated leadership within the FFA.

What is Star Greenhand?


This opportunity brings together chapter members in a way for members to interact, grow, and have fun together while learning the meaning of FFA and chapter pride. 

What is Chapter Nights?
