What is an array?
String [] cars;
What type of primitive data would be stored in this array?
The first element in an array is accessed using this index.
What are the default values of an int array and double array?
0 & 0.0
int[] grades = {100,20,44,98,76,22}
What is the output?
What type of loop is used to be more detailed when traversing an array?
For loop
A single value in an array is an
return arr[1] + arr[3] /2;
//The mystery method has been called for this array
int[] list = {3,5,3,6,6}
In javaScript, this loop is designed to work through the array without using an index..
An enhanced for loop / for each loop
What is the length of the array?
What is the element in the 6 index spot?
String [] names = {John,Sally,Mark,Louise}
What does it mean to traverse an array?
To process each element in array one by one
What would I type in order to find the index of the last element?
What would I code to find the middle index of an arr. You may assume that the length of the arr is odd
arr[arr.length /2]
What type of loop would you use to traverse an array when you don't know the length?