Narrator of the Show and wants to make a movie about the family
Who is Ron Howard
What animals does the family "imitate" when mocking another family member for being a _______
What is a chicken
He teaches an acting class which Tobias joins and he made an episode of scandalmakers about the George Sr.
Who is Carl Weathers
What animal bit off Buster's hand
What is a seal
The Entertainment producing company that Ron Howard and Co own
What is imagine entertainment
The animals that Marky brought to Balboa towers while sneaking in with Lindsay; This animal also attacked lucille 2
What is an ostrich
She played Sue Storm in the fantastic four and met Tobias at a the "Methadone Acting Clinic"
Who is DeBrie Bardeaux
Justice is the name of this blind animal; Maggie Lizer's pet
The Magic magazine that Tony Wonder was the cover and the Magazine Gob was in for the "failure trick" of the week
What is "Poof"