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Informational Text
Figurative Language
Text Features
Which of the following does summarizing NOT help you do? A. Gives you a way to check your understanding. B. Makes it harder for you to understand what you are reading. C. Helps you remember information. D. Helps you clarify relationships among ideas.
What is B?
All summer long, watermelon was a STAPLE food in the family's kitchen, and they ate it almost daily. STAPLE n. 1. a piece of metal pushed through something to attach or hold it to something else. 2. a main or important part of something. v. 3. to attach to something using staples
What is 2. a main or important part of something
To make a yummy smoothie, first put some milk into a blender. Then add a banana and some frozen berries such as strawberries and blueberries. You may also want to add some grapes. Next, turn your blender to its lowest setting and gradually increase the speed until everything is blended. Then pour it into a glass and enjoy! Which text structure is used in the paragraph?
What is Sequence?
Which on of the following is a METAPHOR? A. Our soldiers are as brave as lions. B. Her cheeks are red like a rose. C. The assignment was a breeze. D. The water well was as dry as a bone.
What is C?
Which of these text features can be used to show that something is important? A. Bullet Points B. Bolded Text C. Captions D. Diagrams
What is B. Bolded Text?
What is the best reading strategy to use for summarizing? A. B-M-E (Beginning-Middle-End) B. UNRAAVEL C. FANBOY D. All of the Above
What is A. B-M-E (Beginning-Middle-End)?
The doctors gave Rick's mom a GRAPHIC description of how badly he had broke his arm in the fall. GRAPHIC adj. 1. having to do with art or pictures 2. in the form of a graph 3. a clear and detailed picture of something
What is 3. a clear and detailed picture of something
Do you ever forget to bring your completed homework to school? This can be so frustrating when you know you did your homework, but it won't count since you can't turn it in on time. One way to prevent this issue is to put your homework in your backpack as soon as you finish it. Another solution is to leave yourself a note on the door.
What is Problem and Solution?
A ______ poem is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables, written in a 5/7/5 syllable. A. Haiku B. Rhyme C. Limerick D. Hubris
What is A. Haiku?
Which text feature would be the best way to show the major events in a person's life? A. a chart B. a timeline C. a text box D. a diagram
What is B. a timeline?
Angie is spending a summer at her aunt and uncle's Tennessee farm so that she can experience something different from her urban life. The first chore her aunt assigns to her is to diffuse organic grains in front of the chicken coop at 6 A.M. every morning. This provides forage for the chickens. It doesn't take Angie long to learn that it is best to diffuse the grains quickly and get out of the way, unless she wants the chickens to come pecking her way. Which statement best summarizes the passage? A. Angie goes to Tennessee to visit a farm and does a bunch of chores. B. Angie goes to live on a farm and quickly wishes she is back home in the city. C. Angie visits family in Tennessee and gets a quick introduction to farm life. D. Angie feeds the chickens and learns how to quickly get out of their way.
What is C.
When Jill moved from Texas to New York, she thought New Yorkers had a funny ACCENT and they all thought she did, too! ACCENT n. a way of speaking that is specific to a location or group v. to highlight or draw attention to something
What is n. a way of speaking that is specific to a location or group?
At 4,160 miles (6,670km), the Nile River in Africa is the longest river in the world. It begins in Lake Victoria in Central Africa and flows through five countries before emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile is an important source of water for the people who live near its banks.
What is Description?
Which of the following is NOT a hyperbole? A. Your suitcase weighs a ton! B. Every cloud has a rainy day. C. I am dying of shame. D. I am trying to solve a million issues these days.
What is B.?
Which of these is NOT true about pictures? A. They help the reader understand more. B. They may be illustrations or photos. C. They are always in color. D. They make the book more interesting.
What is C.
Is it an ant, you wonder, or a termite? Ants resemble termites, but they are quite different and can be easily distinguished. In contrast to termites, ants are usually dark in color, are hard bodied, and have constriction between the thorax and abdomen. Termites are light in color and shed their wings. Flying ants do not shed their wings. Also, ants and termites belong to different orders. Select the best summary of this paragraph. A. Termites are lighter in color and loose their wings at a certain stage of development. B. Ants are dark in color, hard bodied and belong to a different order than termites. C. Ants and termites are both insects and have many things in common D. Although ants resemble termites, they have differences that can be easily seen.
What is D?
Even though he had spent hours practicing his speech, Collin CHOKED when he got on stage, forgetting ever line. CHOKE v. 1. having difficulty breaking 2. to fill or block something 3. to be speechless or fail at something because of nervousness.
What is 3. to be speechless or fail at something because of nervousness.
English peas and sugar peas are both a kind of vegetable. Both can be eaten raw or cooked. They are easy to tell apart because sugar pea pods are flat while English pods are plump. Another important difference is that with English peas, you only eat the peas, and not the pod, however, with sugar peas, you eat the pod too.
What is Compare and Contrast?
“Every cloud has its silver lining but it is sometimes a little difficult to get it to the mint.” A. Hyperbole B. Idioms C. Metaphor D. Alliteration
What is B. Idioms.
Which of these is NOT a text feature? A. Timeline B. Caption C. About the author D. Bullet points
What is C. About the author?
In Africa, music is usually performed outdoors. There is spontaneous music making as well as performances by social and music groups at ceremonies and feasts. There is no written music or music notation. African music tradition, like folklore and history, is transmitted orally. Music is a social activity in which almost everyone participates. Clearly, African music has several interesting characteristics. The best summary of the paragraph is: A. In Africa, music is usually performed outdoors. B. There is no written music or musical notation. C. African music has several interesting characteristics. D. In Africa, music making is spontaneous
What is D?
After sitting through the DULL presentation, Bernie couldn't wait to hang out with her friends and explore the city. DULL adj 1. not sharp 2. non-reflective 3. boring or lacking the ability to keep a person's attention
What is 3. boring or lacking the ability to keep a person's attention
When farmers use fertilizer to fertilize their crops, the left over fertilizer can run into nearby ponds, streams and rivers. The result is that the nutrient-rich fertilizer causes way to much algae to grow. All that algae is bad for the plants and animals that live there.
What is Cause and Effect?
______ refers to repetitive sounds produced by consonants within a sentence or phrase. This repetition often takes place in quick succession such as in pitter, patter. A. Alliteration B. Assonance C. Onomatopoeia D. Consonance
What is D. Consonance
Which of these would be best shown with a diagram? A. a list of different kinds of flowers. B. the different parts of a flower C. where flowers grow D. a child smelling a flower
What is B?