A person or thing that resembles or corresponds to another
Don't Quote Me on That!
We Never Go Out of Style
But What Does It Mean?!?!
What is Futurism?
“…we rejected imitative colors, and that with pure colors we obtained stronger reactions…”
Who is Henri Matisse?
In the late 1880s, a group of young painters sought independent artistic styles for expressing emotions rather than simply optical impressions. Vincent van Gogh Paul Cézanne Paul Gauguin Georges Seurat
What is Post-Impressionism?
The French viewing public was greatly horrified by this artwork because of the portrayal of a naked prostitute as a work of art and her look of cool indifference.
What is Manet's Olympia?
This is my favorite work of art from this class!
What is ......?
Salvador Dalí
What is Surrealism?
“Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I use color more arbitrarily so as to express myself forcibly . . . I have tried to express the terrible passions of humanity by means of red and green . . .”?
Who is Vincent Van Gogh?
A 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images.
What is Surrealism?
This photographer was able to shine a light on the rural poor that were displaced and starving during the Great Depression.
Who is Dorothea Lange?
I painted Rouen Cathedral over 30 times to show the varying colors of different times of the day.
Who is Claude Monet?
Jackson Pollock
What is Abstract Expressionism?
"I try to deal with the complexities of power and social life, but as far as the visual presentation goes I purposely avoid a high degree of difficulty."
Who is Barbara Kruger?
The art movement that emerged in the 1950s. It presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular culture such as advertising, news, etc.
What is Pop Art?
This artwork depicted the aftermath of a nineteenth-century French shipwreck and was considered an attack on government ineptitude.
What is Gericault's Raft of the Medusa?
This artist created than 50 public works between 1982 and 1989 in dozens of cities around the world. His "Crack is Wack" mural, created in 1986, is visible from New York's FDR Drive. He used bright colors and bold black outlines.
Who is Keith Haring?
Andy Wharhol
What is Pop Art?
"Some say they see poetry in my paintings; I see only science."
Who is Georges Seurat?
A post–World War II art movement in American painting, developed in New York in the 1940s. It was the first specifically American movement to achieve international influence and put New York City at the center of the western art world, a role formerly filled by Paris. It can be roughly categorized in two groups: gestural and chromatic abstraction.
What is Abstract Expressionism?
This artist style challenged the commodification of art because it was short-lived and could not be bought.
What is Performance Art?
Timothy O’Sullivan documented this war and its horrifying realities. One of his most famous photographs depicts dead soldiers from the Battle of Gettysburg.
What is the Civil War?
Grant Wood
What is American Regionalism?
"Since the tubes of paint used by the artist are manufactured and ready made products we must conclude that all the paintings in the world are 'readymades aided' and also works of assemblage."
Who is Marcel Duchamp?
This is the art of today, produced by artists who live or lived in "our lifetime." It provides an opportunity to reflect on today's society and the issues relevant to ourselves, and the world around us.
What is Contemporary Art?
This Social Realistic painting ask us to contemplate city life and the loneliness of modern humans.
What is Edward Hopper's Nighthawks?
This artist created numerous self-portraits which showed her emotional and physical suffering.
Who is Frida Kahlo?