The way an object reflects or emits light; it includes hue, saturation, and value.
The repetition of line and shape
What is pattern
This artist is well known for painting the ceiling of the sistine Chapel
Who is Michelangelo
These colors represent the primary colors.
What are red, yellow, and blue?
This type of artwork can be made with just a pencil or a pen.
What is a drawing?
An element of art that refers to the lightness and darkness of an object
What is value
The implied motion in a work of art
What is movement
He painted The Mona Lisa.
Who is Leonardo daVinci?
When you mix red and yellow, you get this color.
What is orange?
A media used to create ceramics
What is clay?
A line that defines both the exterior and interior edge of a form (outline of an object).
A large difference between two objects such as the difference between light and dark
What is contrast?
Andy Warhol loved this food so much, he designed the labels for their cans when he grew up-he even turned his design into some of his most famous artworks.
What is Campbell's Soup?
These colors (blue, green, and purple) remind you of things that feel icy and brisk.
What are the cool colors?
You can use a brush on paper or canvas to make art with this colorful medium.
What is paint?
What is negative space
This principle provides stability and structure to a design based on the placement of your elements.
What is Balance?
A category in the World Beard & Moustache Championships honors this 20th century artist's moustache & for his melting clock painting.
Who is Salvador Dali
This group of colors (red, yellow, orange) remind you of autumn.
What is the warm color family?
A type of crayon like medium that is easily blended
What is a oil pastel?
This element refers to tactile qualities. It can be actual or implied.
What is texture
The spaces between repeating visual elements such as alternating, flowing, random, regular, and progressive.
What is Rhythm?
This artist painted The Starry Night.
Who is Vincent vanGogh?
When white is added to a color, the color gets this/becomes this.
What is lighter/a tint?
Many items are put together to make this type of art; it's name is the French word for "Collection".
What is Collage?