what are the three primary AND three secondary colors?
Primary: Red, Blue, Yellow
Secondary: Green, Purple and Orange
What is this tool?
A Rib tool.
Does Art Nouveau mainly use organic OR geometric shapes?
Organic shapes.
What was our first project?
What is my favorite drink?
Redbull :)
What are the names of our principal and our TWO assistant principals?
Mrs. Bobb, Mr. Sabourin and Mr. Porrazzo.
How do you find a colors COMPLIMENT?
Across the color wheel.
What is the name for how clay is attached to clay?
Slip and Score.
Does Art Deco mainly use organic OR geometric shapes?
Geometric shapes.
What was our first sketchbook assignment?
Draw your dream bedroom.
Where did I go to college?
Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt)
What are our school values? (hint, R.M.A.)
Respect, Motivation and Achievement.
How do you DESATURATE yellow-orange?
Add Blue-Purple.
What are the three stages of clay?
Plastic, Leather-Hard and Bone-Dry.
What came first, Art Deco or Art Nouveau?
Art Nouveau.
What is a display font?
Decorative letters.
Iron Man, Donnie Darko, (twilight)
Name 3/4 of the core teachers on team RUMNEY. (the other team)
Ms. Lindlau, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Clermont, Ms. Elliot.
What is an analogous color harmony that includes blue?
Answer varies.
What should you use to reinforce your attachments?
A coil.
What happened directly before the art movement, Art Nouveau.
The Industrial Revolution/The camera.
What is VALUE in COLOR?
How light or dark a color is.
What are my cats names?
Fluff and Finn.
what year was the school built?
What is a triadic color harmony that has ONLY intermediate colors?
Yellow-Orange, Red-Purple and Blue-Green.
Yellow-Green, Red-Orange and Blue-Purple.
What is the name of the big oven that we put the clay into so that it hardens.
A kiln.
What happened directly before the art movement, Art Deco.
World War 1
What are the three things that a curator does?
Selects, organizes and arranges the artwork.
Who do a main in Super Smash Bros?
What is the address of the school?
140 American Legion Highway.