What element of art must take up space, but does not show depth.
What is Shape
What is the video we watched featuring Elton John and Dua Lipa?
what is cold hearts
Who created Madonna and Child
Who is Duccio De Buonesegna
Name the warm colors
what are red, yellow and orange.
This vocab word describes a category of art that taps into the subconscious, like a dream.
What is Surrealism
This element of art is heavily represented in a painting of a sunset.
what is color
What Artist hid themselves in one of our works of art?
who is Raphael
What year was Sunday Afternoon made.
what is 1884
Where can you find the pencils, erasers and other drawing material in the art room?
what is the silver cabinet
This can be a place where art is held or a collection of art made by one person.
what is a portfolio
Pencil art uses a black, white, and gray scale. What element represents all of these different shades.
what is value
We watched this video that showed lots of shapes, colors and other elements of art, the singer walked through the music video most of the time. what was the song?
what is Bulletproof
What is the oldest work of art in our list?
What is the most important policy of the art room?
what is Show respect to all people and the art room.
The drawn outline of an an object
This element give the viewer an idea of how something feels. For example rough, scaly, smooth, soft.
What is texture.
This technique is a form of shading using lined that make an "x"
what is cross-hatching
Who made the Great Wave off Kanagawa?
If you don't adhere to this art room rule you may be called back to class to complete it before transitioning to the next class.
What is cleaning up
what is a medium.
We're not talking about Saturn and Venus, but this element could be mistaken for the location of them.
what is space.
This is a the type of pot we are starting to make now
what is a pinch pot
This work of art depicts a man and woman driving, what is the title and who made it?
What is in the car, and who is Roy Lichtenstein.
What are the secondary colors?
What is purple, orange and green
the way all of the elements of a work of art are arranged.