Prehistory, Mesopotamia, Egyptian, Minoan
Greek, Etruscan & Roman
Late Antiquity, Byzantine, Islamic
Medieval & After
Style Characteristics

The anatomy of this tiny sculpture is emphasised to show early human's central concern with this .

What is fertility and health?


It is a type of sculpture of a male youth, characteristically depicted nude with the left leg striding forward and hands clenched at the side.

What is a kouros?


Late Antique art shows the art of early monotheistic religions - especially Christian Art. Under the Roman Empire in the earliest days of
Judaism and Christianity, artwork was intentionally ambiguous so that the the undertones could not be noticed by the eyes of the Roman oppressors. Some of the only examples can be found here.

What is at Dura-Europos in Syria?


Early Medieval art was diverse - there was not one set style for all manuscripts especially.  One style, however, can be seen in the Utrecht Psalter and this jewel-encrusted book cover.

What are the Lindau Gospels?


Refers to what an artwork is MADE out of. It could be clay, terracotta, marble, ivory, paint, etc.

What is a the material?


They showed that they were ALWAYS praying as a way to win favor with their gods.

What are the Sumerian votive statues?


Laocoön and his sons from this Greek period was very dramatic and intense with emotion.

What is the Hellenistic period?


This central-plan building (first a church, then a mosque, then a museum, and now a mosque!) used a dome on a square plan to fuse a central-plan form and the basilica.

What is the Hagia Sophia?


During the Romanesque period, many people were rejoicing that the world did not end in 1000 CE.  Further, trade increased, relics were venerated, and pilgrims roamed the continent.  Because of this Gislebertus depicted this scene on the tympanum of Saint-Lazare.

What is the Last Judgement?


This is an object's shape and structure.  In painting, it can be a portrait or in sculpture it can be a statue, for example.

What is the form?


This object depicts the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt into the "Kingdom of the Two Lands" under the divine king. This object is a ceremonial palette used in the ritual of mixing and applying the King's eye makeup. The palette is arranged in three easily read registers on the back and four on the front.

What is the Palette of Narmer?


This culture was known for using terracotta.  This Sarcophagus with reclining couple, from Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 520 BCE  depicts a reclining man and woman on its lid. The pair rests on highly stylized cushions, just as they would have done at an actual banquet.

Who are the Etruscans?


The Dome of the Rock was important to these three religions - all having significant events take place on this spot.

What are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

These are characteristics of Gothic architecture.

What are pointed arches, flying buttressess, stained-glass windows, and four-part ribbed vaults?


The way or process an artist uses to create art.  Each artist has their own way of carving, painting, molding the materials they use.

What is technique?


The painting of color pigments on wet lime plaster without a binding agent and the paint is absorbed by the plaster, so it becomes fixed and protected from fading. A prime example from this culture is the Bull-leaping fresco.

Who are the Minoans?


The statue Augustus as general, from Primaporta, shows the Emperor with many symbols of his successes.  This imperial portraiture of propaganda was from this ancient and powerful culture.

What is Ancient Rome?


In Byzantine art, this technique was perfected in this amazing San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy, ca. 547 by using tiny pieces of glass and stone to create areas of color.

What is a mosaic?


Giotto, painted of the Arena Chapel in Padua, was known for this - and is considered the father of Western Art because of it.

What is his emphasis on the three-dimensional body and creating the illusion of space and weight?


The basic idea or category of an artwork.  It could be religious, a portrait, historical, etc.  

What is the subject?


The subject of this artwork is a female figure.  The content is the importance of fertility and health.

What is the Venus of Willendorf?


Using different these - the Etruscans mainly used terracotta, whereas Romans primarily used marble.

What are materials?


The material is marble (original was bronze!).

The form is a human figure. 

The subject is a man who is an emperor. 

The technique is subtractive sculpture in the round.

The content is a Roman Emperor showing his military achievements, physiscal strength, decendence from gods, heroic and diplomatic victories.  He is shown in a classical contropposto stance.

What is the Portrait of Augustus as general, from Primaporta, Italy?


Giotto moved away from presenting humans as simple 2-D geometric shapes of color and instead made them into 3-d ____.

What are forms? 

As an Element of Art, form connotes something that is three-dimensional and encloses volume, having length, width, and height, versus shape, which is two-dimensional, or flat. 


This is the theme or message behind an artwork.  The subject or subject matter is the way we are able to understand the deeper meaning, symbols, or messages.

What is the content?
