The period that Pharoah Akhenaton influenced
Amarna period
Middle Kingdom introduces
Rock Cut tombs
Body features of lower status
Flabby body, bent arms, glass eyes, limestone
Upright stone slab carved for commemoration
Political message of King Hunting lions
Defeating a worthy enemy
The new pharoah moved the capitol from Thebes to
Akhetaten (Modern Tell el-Amarna)
What do rock cut temples do
Possibly deter robbers
Features of high class
Stiff body, straight lines, big headdress, idealized body
Akkadians are shown
Where is Assyria modern day?
Northern Iraq
Typical features of Egyptian temples
Pylon facade/hypostyle hall/obelisks
The middle kingdom begins with
Civil War
Where is the burial chamber of a mastaba found?
Head of an Akkadian Ruler (Sargon 2) was destroyed to
Show dominance
Throne room
New stylistic conventions
Curved body, wide lips, narrow waist, wide hips, almond eyes
Life force/soul
Heiroglyph means
Sacred Carve
Naram Sin Victory Stele is idealized how
broad shoulders, bull horn hat, ornate beard
Creatures were the protector of
The king
Feature typical of an egyptian column
plant forms
Aspects of a column
Capital, shaft,base
Falcon god Horus represents
Standing and sitting statues represent the ___ status
Marduk's sacred animals on the gate wall in Neobabylonian
Bull and Dragon