Mind your Mannerism
"If it's not Baroque..." Architecture
Baroque Painting and Sculpture
Spain in the New World
Name that Period: All of Early European

A new artistic subject is born in the Mannerist period. 

What is the still-life?


The front of a building. In Baroque period it is often higher than the rest of the building and can be made of undulating convex and concave forms (as seen in Borromini's, Saint Charles of the Four Fountains)

What is a facade?

One of the great sculptors of the Baroque period was Gian Lorenzo Bernini. This sculpture he created is housed in Rome at the Santa Maria della Vittoria.

What is the Ecstasy of Saint Teresa?


Some Spanish hierarchy married indigenous women and produced children called __________.

What are mestizos?


This period is know for its theatrical illusionism in painting as well as elaborate and ornate architecture and dramatic sculpture.

What is Baroque?


High-keyed and acidy ____________ aa well as unusual compositions are common in Mannerist paintings

What are colors?


A new emphasis to architecture in the Baroque period includes these exterior spaces.

What are gardens (or Landscape architecture)?


Peter Paul Rubens's paintings of 21 large historical paintings that allegorically retell the life of Marie de' Medici.

What is the Marie de' Medici Cycle?


The symbolism of the Eagle landing on the cactus seen in artworks from New Spain now represent this country.

What is Mexico?


The Baroque period can be most closely related to this period of Roman antiquity?

What is Hellenistic?


Mannerists broke with the conventions of the Renaissance by introducing distorted, twisted, and elongated __________

What are figures?


This was the Palace of Louis the XIV and subsequent kings and their courts.

What is Versailles?


Caravaggio is an inspirational painter from the Baroque period.  His use of dramatic dark and light contrast called ____________ in paintings has influenced many later painters. 

What is Tenebrism (Tenebroso)?


Who did Miguel Cabrera Paint in his 1750 portrait?

Who is Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz?


The time period between 200-1400 c.e., including Byzantine, Islamic, Romanesque, and Gothic are all considered to be this period.

What is Medieval?


The scenes of everyday life that become acceptable painting subjects in this period.  

What are genre paintings?


This Baroque period interior space is 240 feet long and has a barrel-vaulted ceiling. It uses flickering light in an architectural setting.

What is the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles?


Identify at least three of the figures in Diego Velazquez's, Las Meninas

Who is Velazquez, Infanta Margharita Teresa of Spain, Her attendants(Maria Augustina Sarmiento & Isabel de Velasco), Her chaperone(Marcela de Ulloa), and unidentified figure(probably a bodyguard), the King(Philip IV of Spain) and Queen(Mariana of Austria), Jose Nieto(Queen's head of tapestry works), and two dwarfs(Maria Barbola & Nicolasito Pertusato)?


Miguel Gonzalez created the canvas on wood with enconchados in 1698 that depicted the story of a religious figure appearing to a Native American man, Juan Diego, and then leaving her image on his clothing.  This figure is called...

Who is the Virgin of Guadalupe?


These People called themselves Roman, but spoke Greek rather than Latin, and promoted orthodox Christianity rather than western Christianity. This period was later named ______________ Period.

What is Byzantine?


Giacomo della Porta was the architect that designed this important Mannerist-style church of the Jesuit order

What is the Il Gesu?


____________ Painting is characterized by being mainly genre scenes that seem simple, but contain greater meaning, showing mercantile activity in a symbolic setting, capturing a simple gesture or a moment in time. (Hint: a northern european ethnicity/locale) 

What is Dutch?


Identify the three Dutch artists who created these works:

1. Self-Portrait with Saskia

2. Woman Holding a Balance

3. Fruit and Insects

1. Who is Rembrandt?

2. Who is Vermeer (Johannes Vermeer)?

3. Who is Ruysch (Rachel Ruysch)?


The Circle of the Gonzalez Family Screen with the Siege of Belgrade and a hunting scene has European, Asian, and Native American influences. It is the only known example of an artwork combining biombos and enconchados. Biobos is ________, and enconchados is __________

What is folding free-standing screen (Biombos)?

What is Shell-inlay or mother-of-pearl inlay (enconchados)?


This period's architectural style can be characterized as thick, heavy, and massive.  Most architectural samples from this time come from churches that housed relics for pilgrims to visit.

What is Romanesque?
