ch 5 terms part 1
ch5 part 2 terms
ch 9 terms
ch 10 terms
ch 11 terms
geometric/orientalizing styles: 1. an ancient greek wide-mouthed bowl for mixing wine and water 2. in ancient greek mythology, a creature w/ the front or top half man and the back or bottom a horse.
What is a krater and a centaur
1. silhouetting of dark figures against light background, natural reddish clay w/ linear details 2. silhouetting of red figures against black background w/ linear details
What is 1. black figure ware 2. red figure ware
1. gold pin used to fasten ladies gown at the shoulder 2. relief: by beating metal plate from the back leaving impressions on the face 3. decorative technique in which tiny metal balls are fused to a metal surface
What is 1.fibula 2. repousse 3. granulation
1. series of engaged columns; all around the sides and back of the cella to give the apperance of greek 2. old distingushed families patrician class (imagines, verisim) 3. slaves and their former owners on their facades of their tombs
What is 1. pseudoperipteal temple 2. roman republican portraits 3. historical reliefs
1. the warship of one all powerful god 2. the belief in multiple gods
What is 1. monotheism 2. polytheism
1. young greek man, an archaic greek statue of a young man 2. young greek woman, an archaic greek statue of a young woman 3. young man who died in battle statue over his grave
What is 1. kouros 2. kore 3. Kriosos
1. master of black figure ware 2. master of red figure ware
What is 1. exekias 2. euphronios
1. made of sundried bricks and wood; sculputors were terracotta 2. what the temple is on; carved from the bedrock stone that is already there 3. hard baked clay used for sculpture and building materials(glazed or painted)
What is 1. Etrucans temples 2. podium 3. terracotta
1. ancient rome, wax portraits of ancestors kept in the home 2. true to natural apperance; supperrealistic 3. 1st citizen. roman emperior used to distinguish themselves
What is 1. imagines 2. verisim 3. princeps
1. pompii of the desert 2. a person who died for a cause (christianty) 3. small cubicle or bedroom that opened to the atrium
What is 1. Dura-Europos 2. martyrs/ saints 3. cubiculum
1. the smile that appers on all archaic greek statues; way of indicating the person is alive. 2.the uppermost of a column, serving as a transition from the shaft to the lintel 3. sprial, scroll like form of the ancient greek ionic and roman composite capitals
What is 1.archaic smile 2. capitals 3. volutes
1. relaxed weight change of the hips 2. experission of greek ideal of human form: love of the human figure 3. any sculptured or painted band in a building
What is 1. contrapposto 2. cannon of proportions 3. frieze
1. (etruscans)- contained ashes 2. lidded vessel intended for the ashes of someone who died(cremation) 3. burial mound
What is 1. sarcophagus 2. cinerary urn 3. tumuli (tumulus)
concrete and basic design; revolutionary, temple of all gods(many gods)made of 2 intersecting circles, vault to the heavens 30 ft wide, resembles the orb of the earth
What is Pantheon
1. semicircular area in a wall over a door, niche, or window; painting or relief in a semi circle frame 2. depiction of Old Testament persons and events and prophetic forerunners of christ in New Testament 3. figure with both arms rasied in the gesture of prayer
What is 1. lunettes 2. prefiguration 3. orants
1. a style represented by a character design of the columns and entablature 2. capitals w/ funnel shaped echinuses, w/out bases and frieze 3. volutes, capitals, columns w/ bases and frieze
What is 1. greek orders 2. doric 3. ionic
1. hepled establish greece, elected stratego of athens 15 times, rebuilt and beautifies athens after 2 persians invasions 2. high place; usually the site of the citys most important temples 3. circular plan; also burial chamber of tholos tomb
What is 1. Pericles 2. acropolis 3. Tholos Temple
1. limestone 2. city of the dead; large burial area or cemetery 3. symbol for regeneration
What is 1. tufa 2. necropolis 3. egg
1. the public square of an ancient roman city 2. civic building in a forum the court of law 3. open to the sky, central reception romm of a roman house
What is 1. forum 2. basilica 3. atrium
1. porch of a church; generally colonaded or arcaded 2. covered walkway in or outdoors passage around the apse and the choir of the church 3. cross-shaped
What is 1. narthex 2. Ambulatory 3. cruciform
1. a female figure that functions as a supporting column 2. one of the first statue that stands naturally
What is 1.caryatids 2. Kritios Boy
1. a double row of acanthus leaves from which tendrils and flowers grow, wrapped around a bell-shaped echinus 2. pot covered w/ a slip of very fine white clay, over which black glaze used to outline figures; brown purple and red to color them in 3. change from classical; more emotional-exhibits movement(dynamic)
What is 1. corinthian capital 2. white ground painting 3. hellenistic art
1. for the new roman republic after the expulsion of tarquinius superbus; emblem of rome 2. wedge shaped block used in teh construction of a true arch(key stone) 3. flat rectangular, vertical member projecting from a wall of which it forms a part; has a base and a capital is often fluted
What is 1. Capitoline Wolf's 2. voussior 3. pilasters
1. home office in a roman house 2. "eye" round central opening of a dome 3. sunken panel, often ornamental in a vault or ceiling
What is 1. tablinum 2. oculus 3. coffers
1. rock-cut galleries and chambers cemeteries for the burial of the dead 2. patterns/ pctures made by small pieces of stone or glass in cement on walls or floors
What is 1. catacombs 2. mosaic