I get dirty fast but clean up just as fast with your help. Feed me your mistakes. We need each other. What am I?
A kneaded eraser.
What is the complimentary color of red?
Well known for her close up paintings of flowers. Has a very large painting of clouds at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Georgia O'Keeffe.
This cliche is found in a variety of ways- full, broken, anatomically correct or emoji style.
What is Mr Michael's favorite animal?
A robin.
This material is good for floor coverings and print making.
This artist who is famous for his "blue period" was recently referenced in an internet fad.
This cliche is always nice to see in person at the end of the day and from the beach.
How many rooms at Beacon have an art class in them?
Which is darker a 3H or 3B pencil?
The part of the picture plane that seems to be the farthest from the viewer.
This Los Angeles based artist makes massive collages! Sometimes he uses supplies from hair salons or posters he finds on city walls and public spaces.
Mark Bradford.
We see them all the time on tv, in movies, on social media or on billboards. Do we really need to see them in our art?
Can you name all of the visual art classes offered at Beacon this year.
Art 1, Art 2, Making Art History, New Media, Functional/3D Art, IB Year One and IB Year Two.
Name of a specific tool used to mix paint.
Palette knife.
Name for the use of only one hue or color that can vary in value or intensity.
This artist was a vegetarian and animal rights activist. Probably best known for a very famous portrait.
I love my dog Roy. But, he represents an art cliche. I think I'll give him a bone instead of painting him.
Pet Portraits.
What room number are we in?
Fancy word and liquid substance used to prime a canvas before painting.
A three-dimensional composition in which a collection of objects is unified in a sculptural work.
This artist once arrived at her own art show in an ambulance.
Frida Kahlo.
What would you consider a cliche? Name one more.
When is Arts Night?
May 5th.