This color is created when combining yellow and green
What is Yellow-Green
This artist helped found cubism and was known for undergoing period like the Blue Period and Rose Period
Who is Pablo Picasso
This extremely valuable and famous painting, located in France and was painted by Leonardo da Vinci himself.
What is the Mona Lisa
This techniques was used in cubism, you must repeat creating dots forming a shape with value.
What is stippling
This color makes you feel depressed/sad
What is blue
Who is Leonardo da Vinci
What is the Mona Lisa
This technique makes lines horizontal and vertical, this makes value eventually.
What is Cross-Hatching
What is White and Black
This artist painted a over 100 million dollar painting of the sky. Now this painting is in the Museum of Modern Art.
Who is Vincent Van Gogh
The painting of a poor potato eating family created by the most troubled artist, Van Gogh.
What are the Potato Eaters
A technique that is sqribbling value into your drawing.
What is scumbling
This color which is also a food is a combo of Red, Yellow, and White
What is Salmon
This artist painted "Self-Portrait"
Who is Rembrant
This painting is regarded as the 7th most famous painting ever.
What is Girl with Pearl Earrings
What is a sculpture
This is the most popular house color of 2024
What is Gray
This female artist known for making beautiful flower and desert landscapes.
Who is Georgia O'Keefe
A surrealist painting portraying a man with a hat but he has the face of an apple.
What is Son Of A Man
Daily Double - (Wager any amount of thousands) This type of art is any artwork that draws upon digital technology as an essential part of its creative process.
What is Digital Art
(Wager Any Number Up To What You Have) Topic : Color. This is what it's called when you combine a Primary and Secondary Color.
What is tertiary or intermediate colors.