What is value?
Light to dark
What is a self portrait?
A 2D or 3D art creation of myself.
What is a sculpture?
A piece of art that is 3D and can be made from different materials such as clay, wood, or metal.
What is texture?
The way that something feels.
Who is the librarian?
Mrs. Jiminez
What is a still life drawing?
Drawing of an everyday common object.
What is a portrait?
A 2D or 3D art creation of another person.
What can sculptures be made out of?
Wood, clay, concrete, metal, etc.
What is value?
Light to dark or dark to light
Who is the music teacher?
Mrs. Blackeeter
What tools did we use to create value in our still life drawings?
Charcoal or colored pencils.
What is utilitarian art?
Art that we can use.
What is glaze?
Materials that we use to color clay.
What is repetition?
Repeating elements.
Who are the gym coaches?
Coach Holly and Coach Ragsdale.
What is non objective art?
Art that is abstract and uses things like lines, shapes, and colors.
What is fiber arts?
Art that is made out of animal, plant, or man made fibers and used in arts like weaving.
What is scoring?
Using a tool to scratch the surface of clay then adding water to attach wet clay to wet clay.
What is emphasis?
Things in art that are shown to have the most importance in a piece.
What is 2D art?
Art that is flat.
What is a landscape?
A drawing or painting that focuses on a natural scenery typically.
What kind of dog does Ms. Duffy have?