Arguments that simply insult the opponent.
What are ad hominem abusives?
This "to the stick" (ad baculum) fallacy strikes at the heart of men.
What is appeal to fear?
A claim that since a statement can't be disproven it must therefore be true.
What is appeal to ignorance?
You always say the sun rises in the east, but you're just a jerk so I doubt that's true.
What is an ad hominem abusive?
These are the 2 main branches of logic.
What are formal and informal logic?
Attacking an argument because of where it originated or the source of its origin.
What is a Genetic fallacy?
If I make you feel sorry for me or someone else, and offer no other arguments, I'm committing this fallacy.
What is appeal to pity?
Arguments that distract by measuring an opponents plan or policy against which it was never intended to accomplish.
What are irrelevant goals or functions?
This could be called The 2 Wrongs Don't Make a Right fallacy.
What is Tu Quoque?
These are the statements that "set up" an argument. They are the facts or reasons for an argument.
What are premises?
Double Jeopardy!!
Vote up to $1000.
The main difference between Ad Hominem Circumstantial and Genetic is this.
Ad hom. circumstantial fallacies attack something about the PERSON's background.
Genetic fallacies attack where the ARGUMENT began.
So ad hom. cir. are personal. Genetic are not.
All the kids are doing it. You should too!
What is mob appeal?
You made a great case! Unfortunately, it was for the wrong point!
What is irrelevant thesis?
You have to get this question right. I've never seen anyone get it wrong.
What is appeal to ignorance?
This is that which corresponds to reality.
What is truth?
This discredits an opponent because of his background or self-interest.
What is ad hominem circumstantial?
What is Snob appeal?
Wizard of Oz Dorothy would never blow her friend over, although with these arguments it would be easy to do.
What is a straw man?
This toaster makes terrible coffee.
What is irrelevant functions?
Arguments that look like appeal to fear but really aren't. They are flat-out threats.
What are non-argumentative arguments. (Baseball bat)
An Ad Fontem argument that isn't directed at a person; an impersonal attack.
What is a genetic fallacy?
The video of the little boy lost in the terminal proved this.
This group of fallacies got its name with the idea of getting dogs off the scent of whom they were tracking.
What are Red Herrings?
You don't think Genesis should be understood literally, do you? That's a rather old-fashioned doctrine.
What is chronological snobbery?
His is the only reality that is really real.
What is God's reality.