A writer would claim that an idea should be accepted because a large number of people are in favor.
What is Mob Appeal, or the Argumentum ad Populum?
An argument that assumes the arguer should be dismissed because the advice isn't followed by the arguer.
Tu Quoque
Mom, how could you tell me not to eat dessert first? I just saw you sneak a brownie!
Tu Quo Que
Ever since we installed the internet in the dorms the number of students interested in majoring in Material Science has diminished.
What is False Cause?
My opponent suggests that lowering taxes will be a good idea -- this is coming from a woman who eats a pint of Ben and Jerry’s each night!
ad hominem abusive
What is the first question you should always ask?
What is the issue at hand?
In Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, what was the first name of Scrooge?
Trying to scare someone into acting
Appeal to fear
Arguing that you should ignore an argument because of where it comes from, without support
Genetic Fallacy
Sally what do you mean you don't have a smart phone? Everyone has a smart phone and if you don't get a smart phone you won't be able to function in college.
What is Mob Appeal?
I saw bigfoot on my way to school yesterday! No I didn't get a picture but I saw what I saw and you can't prove me wrong!
Appeal to Ignorance
Being overweight leads to a shortened lifespan because it's unhealthy.
What is Begging the Question?
What is relevance?
: In the classic Christmas movie, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, the Grinch was described with three words. What are they?
Stink, Stank, Stunk
Refers to an attack on the person rather than on the argument or the issue.
What is Ad Hominem Abusive?
A writer commits this fallacy when he/she tries to discredit an opponent because of background, affiliations, or self-interest.
What is Ad Hominem Circumstantial?
Don't believe what Kim says about global warming. Kim dropped out of college!
What is Ad Hominem Abusive?
Get Allstate insurance and protect yourself from Mayhem like me!
Chew double mint gum! It'll double your friend group!
Irrelevant goal
If the conclusion of an argument doesn't follow from its premises, what is it called?
Non Sequitr
In Home Alone, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?
Arguments that make you feel sad to get you to act.
Appeal to pity
The argument that claims that since a proposition cannot be disproved it must be true
Appeal to ignorance
The institution of marriage is as old as human history, and thus should be considered sacred.
What is Chronological Snobbery?
This bill would raise taxes on billionaires to pay for services for children. Why are you punishing billionaires for being successful?
Strawman argument.
Buy Mercedes because only the best is acceptable for the best.
Snob appeal
What is a red herring?
What is Ralphie's little brother's name in the movie A Christmas Story?
This is an intentional oversimplification or outright distortion of an opponent's views.
What is the Strawman Fallacy?
An argument that attempts to get you to do something by explaining how exclusive it is.
Snob appeal.
Give money to the local animal shelter. Haven't these poor animals suffered enough?
My name is Michael Jordan. When I want to buy a house I use REMax realtors because they're the best.
Appeal to illegitimate authority
You can't trust that article! It's from the new york times and we all know they're a liberal machine.
Genetic fallacy
Why should one study informal logic (this class)
Promotes awareness of the ways in which arguments are used in ordinary, everyday language, and imparts an ability to detect many common fallacies employed in arguments that use everyday language.
In the movie Elf, what was the first rule of "The Code of Elves?"
Treat every day like Christmas
ex: “Women should not be permitted to join men’s clubs be- cause the clubs are only for men.”
What is Begging the Question or Circular Reasoning?
An argument that distracts by measuring a plan or policy according to goals it wasn't intended to acheive.
Irrelevant goals or functions.
When are you going to be honest and stop cheating?
Begging the question/Loaded Question.
Animal rights activists believe that we shouldn't keep animals captive and make them do our will. They would have you abandon your pets in the wilderness.
What is a Strawman?
"Perhaps the principal objection to a quarrel is that it interrupts an argument." -G.K. Chesterton
What does this quote mean? What does Chesterton think of arguing?
Quarrels and arguments are different things and arguments are valuable and useful. Quarrels are disputes that stop debate.
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?