If you started an early finisher activity but didn't finish it, where can you put it to continue working later?
student bin
The pencils you borrow from me have what color tape on the ends?
What sound will Ms. Weisz sometimes use to get your attention?
the bell
Name 3 of the early finisher activities.
Origami, free draw, drawing worksheets, library books, puzzle boards, magnet making, giant coloring page
What is the first thing you should do when entering the room?
Look at the screen
What is the quiet symbol used in class?
Raised hand
What can you do at the end of a project before you choose an early finisher?
When are you allowed to bring food into art class?
What is the first thing you should do before leaving to use the bathroom?
Ask Ms. Weisz
Name an expectation for using the calm corner box.
Fidgets stay in the corner, one person at a time, max 5 minutes
What should you do if you are absent from class?
Check Google Classroom, ask a friend, email Ms. Weisz
Name an expectation for using a wobble stool.
Put it back at the end & replace your seat, take turns using the stools
What is one of the rules for the giant coloring page?
No standing on the counter, max 2 people at a time, color neatly, no "vandalism"
At what point will you be marked tardy this year?
When the bell has wrung.
What is one of the topics (sections) in the art Google Classroom?
Rubrics, resources