The person sitting in the wooden chair...
Who is the supply person?
When you hear the 5 minute warning alarm...
What is, it's time to clean up?
Line up quickly and quietly, last person closes the door as we go to sit on the Kindergarten hall without talking.
What is a tornado drill?
...and others when needed.
What is speak for yourself?
Colored tubs that are numbered and match the table
What are pencil tubs?
When the teacher is talking/giving instructions...
What is, you/we are quiet?
Everyone moves to the big carpet in front of the viewsonic and sits as close together as possible, being very quiet while Ms Coker closes all of the curtains and makes sure the door is locked.
What is a lockdown drill?
...every person is important.
What is show respect?
Crayons live here
Where is on the back counter?
The correct way to enter and exit the classroom...
What is quietly walking?
The blue line, facing forward with mouths closed.
How/Where do we line up coming from PE to art? are responsible for you.
What is take charge of yourself?
Markers live here
Where is the back counter?
What are compliments or nice ways to talk to others about their art?
Look with your eyes...
What is don't touch the walls!
...your work represents you.
What is give your best effort?
Glue sticks and glue bottles are located here...
What is under the clock?
Floors and tables clean, chairs pushed in, 4 pencils and erasers in the middle of the table with point side down...
What is how we leave the room for the next class?
Line up quickly and quietly, last person closes the door as we walk in a line out the door like we are going to buses/carpool...wait for Ms Coker to cross the parking lot and line up in the grass for roll call.
What is a fire drill? is a gift!
What is have fun?