A- in "ARTIST" Rules stands for?
Always try your best.
Leonardo da Vinci painted this famous piece in the 1400's that we use as our art room role model.
What is the Mona Lisa?
During a fire drill, what is the procedure in the art room.
Line up at the back door, do not shout, proceed quickly and neatly outside.
What other school does Ms.Fulton teach at?
Huntsville first semester and Bethany second semester.
What color does the teacher wear to let us know we are showing good behavior?
"R" in "ARTIST" rules stands for?
Respect yourself, materials and others.
A "quiet smile" means that we should do this when the teacher is talking.
Listen and not talk over the teacher.
Where do we go during a lock down drill.
On the floor in the back of the classroom. We mut practice staying as quiet as possible.
What organized sport does Ms.Fulton like to compete in when she has the time?
CrossFit and Cross Country running.
How many green days do we need to get a reward day?
T stands for talk quietly. What voice levels can you use in the art room?
0-if the teacher is talking
1-during artmaking
2-if directed to or during celebration days
Mona's hands are still in the painting, what should your hands be doing after her name is called.
Hands should be still and no longer working on the project.
Which door do we go out of for a tornado drill?
We walk neatly out of the main art door to get to the secure hallway.
What grade level did Ms. Fulton teach before she taught elementary?
Middle School.
Where do we put artwork that needs to dry?
Drying rack
"S" in "ARTIST" rules means to stay where?
Stay in your seat.
Mona's eyes do something rather odd in the picture that show you how to show the teacher you are listening. What do they do?
Her eyes follow you and your eyes should follow the teacher to let her know you are paying attention.
Model the correct tornado drill pose.
-On knees.
-Head down.
-Facing wall.
-Hands wrap around and protect head.
The college that MS.Fulton graduated from.
Appalachian state?
What are some art jobs you might have this year?
Table Tidier
Noise Monitor
At the end of class we should follow the last art rule and do this.
"Take time to clean up!"
When I say "Mona," you say _______.
What location do we meet at outside during a fire drill?
The parking lot, just past the dumpsters, by the cafeteria.
What was Ms.Fulton's First job?
In middle school and High school I was a carni!
Carni, camp counselor, daycare teacher assistant in infant room, clerk at video store, middle school teacher, elementary teacher.
What is your new Principal's name?
Mr. Pyrtle