A- in "ARTIST" Rules stands for?
Always try your best.
When is it okay to be behind my desk or inside any of the cabinets?
When Mrs. Craft says it's okay.
During a fire drill, what is the procedure in the art room.
Line up at the front door, do not shout or push, proceed quickly and neatly outside.
Does Mrs. Craft have any animals? What are they?
Yes! A dog and two cats.
How should you get your teacher's attention during class (for questions, leaving the room, etc)?
Raise your hand and wait for the teacher to call on you.
"R" in "ARTIST" rules stands for?
Respect your friends, teacher, and classroom.
"Shark bait who ha ha" means that we should do this when the teacher is talking.
Listen and not talk over the teacher.
Where do we go during a lock down drill?
Stay in your seat and put your head down. We must practice staying as quiet as possible.
What do you think Mrs. Craft's favorite art thing to do is?
Make pottery
List at least three things you are responsible for cleaning in the classroom.
Floor Around You
Tools Caddy
Materials if used.
Yellow T stands for talk quietly. What does the rest of the rule state?
I listen when others are talking.
There are two trash cans in the room. Where are they?
One by Mrs. Craft's desk and one BIG by the door. So there should never be trash on the floor.
Which door do we go out of for a tornado drill?
We walk neatly out of the main art door to get to the secure hallway.
What grade levels did Mrs. Craft teach before she taught art?
First and Second Grade.
If we are on the carpet and need to transition to the tables, what is the procedure?
"S" in "ARTIST" rules means to be safe. How do you do that?
I use the tools and materials and move through the room safely.
Where is the pencil sharpener and do you have to ask to use it?
By the back window on the counter. No.
Model the correct tornado drill pose.
-On knees.
-Head down.
-Facing wall.
-Hands wrap around and protect head.
Is Mrs. Craft the best art teacher ever?
Yes, obviously.
If you need a tool/material that's not on your table already, where can you usually find it?
At the back table or over by the back window.
At the end of class we should do what?
Take time to clean up and put my tools away.
What is the Imagination Station? Do you need to permission to go to it?
A center where you can grab an item when you are done. Yes, you need permission.
What location do we meet at outside during a fire drill?
The hill right outside the fine arts hallway.
What video game does Mrs. Craft like to play when she's not at school?
Call of Duty!
List at least three reasons you might not be able to leave the room right away.
Someone else is out.
There is a line.
Something going on in the office.
You have not done barely any work.
Behavior is not acceptable.