Where is located the Artic?
Northernmost region of the Earth, centered on the North Pole.
Because the melting of the artic the pH will ...
AEC stands for ...
The Artic Economic Council
Since when the interest in the ARtic have increased?
Which is the main indigenous group affected?
How many solutions did the team exposed?
The names of the 8 countries that are part of the Artic
Northern Norway, northernmost Sweden, northern Finland, Russia, Canda, the US, Greenland and northern Iceland
Since when and which countries are in disputed becuase of territorial problems?
1969 - 104 / Canada, Denmark, Russia.
IASC stands for ...
The International Arctic Science Committee
Which are the main interest factors in the Artic exposed by the group? (Minimum 3)
Advantages of the North Pole route as a shortcut between important centers of population, the growing realization of economic potentialities such as mineral (especially petroleum) and forest resources and grazing areas, and the importance of the regions in the study of global meteorology.
What consequences have the decrease of fish population?
Affects local market