How many members are in the house of representatives?
What is congress?
How many votes does each state get in the senate?
Who follows the vice-president in line for the president
The speaker of the house
How long is the term for the house of representatives?
Two year term
How many houses are in congress and what are they called?
Two houses, House of representative and the senate.
How long is the term for the senate?
Who casts a vote when there is a tie in the senate?
Vice President
What are the qualifications for the house of representatives members?
At least 25 years of age, Citizen of the US for at least 7 years, and they must live in the state they represent
What is it called when congress assembles?
A session
What are the qualifications to be in the senate?
Must be at least 30 years old, Citizen of the US for 9 years, and live in the state they represent.
True or False: Both houses must pass a bill or proposed law?
When did congress limit the number of people allowed to join the house of representatives
In 1929
How often is congress required to meet, and on what day?
Once a year on the first Monday in January.
How many senates are up for election every two years?
One third
How are members of the house and senate expelled?
By a two thirds vote
What happens if there is a vacancy in the house of representatives?
The governor calls a special election
True or False: Congress can tax on exports.
What amendment allowed senators to be elected by voters of each state?
Amendment 17
What are the three requirements in order to vote?
Must be a US citizen, fulfill certain terms of residence, and must be registered to vote