What ___ nice dress!
a - indefinite, singular
What time is the lunch?
no article - indefinite
For dinner I had ___ hamburger and cup of coffee.
a, a
____ Jordan is a country in ____ Middle East.
No article - any country , the - specific area
I like ___ salt on my food, so could you please pass ___ salt?
no article/some - indefinite noncount, the - repeated indefinite noun
I have ___ headache.
a - headache out of many other headaches (it is not unique)
Picasso was painter; he painted the Guernica.
a - it's a job , no article- (usually for portrait names you do not put in the article)
Alcala de Henares is ___ city to ____ east of Madrid.
a- indefinite, the - specific area
My brother is ___ mountain climber; he has climbed ___ Mount Everest.
a, no article - we do not use articles with mountains
Yesterday I donated ___ clothes. My clothes will be given to ___ poor.
some/no article, the - groups of people
I hate ____ rock music.
no article - rock in general (general notion)
I love the rock music; my favourite group is Beatles.
no article - generic noncount noun, the - specific group name
Harry Potter found ___ Philosopher's Stone when he was at ___ school.
the- proper noun (specific stone), no article- any school
____ Reina Sofia museum is near ____ Atocha street in Madrid.
The - proper noun, no article - no "the" for street names
I need ___ information about ___ Balearic Islands before I go on holiday.
some/no article, the- for group of islands
Which sentence is incorrect.
1. The sky is blue.
2. The earth is round.
3. The moon shines by night.
4. A sky is blue.
4. A sky is blue.
Generic 'the' rule and known by both the speaker and the listener. Also, 'the' is used before those that are single in number in nature (unique)
Could you turn off a light? I want to go to the bed.
the - both speaker and listener know which light they are talking about, no article - unspecific
The sound you heard was from ___ owl. ___ owl is a large bird with big eyes.
an, the- repeated indefinite noun
___ Canary Islands are not very far from the Spain.
the - group of islands, no article - no "the" for country names
What is wrong in the sentence?
My friend wanted to be the surgeon, but he felt ill when he saw the blood.
a- indefinite (job), no article- indefinite noncount noun (not specific blood)
What is wrong with the sentence?
Dominican Republic is on the island in a Caribbean.
The ( Country name starting with Unite, Dominican...etc.) , an - indefinite, the - sea
The Dominican Republic is on an island in the Caribbean.
____ computer has changed ____ modern life but ____ computers can't think for you.
The- generic 'the', no article-indefnite, no article-generic plural noun